101 Doctor's Appointment

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"And if you turn to the screen you can see you're little one right there" The doctor explained as Lin looked wide-eyed at it a smile on his lips.

"Look at our baby," he whispers to (Y/n)

"Yeah they're so small, but they're their" (Y/n) points out with a wide grin.

"Do you want me to get the heartbeat?"

"Yes!" Lin says immediately, the sound of the heartbeat going around the room making both his and (Y/n)'s eye water.

"Nice and strong, I'll print these out for you and we can schedule the next appointment for January," The doctor explains moving off.

"We're really having another baby (Y/n/n)" Lin says as he moves to help her wipe the gel off and grabs her hands.

"We are, and I can't wait, this is so exciting," (Y/n) says softly.

Lin leans over to press a kiss to her head, "We've got to tell our parents soon," he murmurs.

"I know, but we can do that, after your birthday, we've got plans, Mr. Miranda,"

"ooo that's not fair, keeping secrets about my birthday away from me," Lin points out with a pout. "You have to tell me now,"

"nope, and if you keep asking I'll let your mother know that you've been trying to wiggle it out of me," she points out.

Lin's eyes widen and he shakes his head, "No way, no thanks, we're good, no need to bring Mamí into this, I can wait," he says hurriedly.

After getting the print outs (Y/n) smiles glancing at them, "They're so tiny, I can't believe it,"

"Well we were actively trying, so I believe it," Lin teases causing (Y/n) to smack his stomach. "ouch-okay I'm sorry that was not called for," he whines.

"I'm excited, and I can't wait to show Vicky these-even if she doesn't fully understand," (Y/n) points out softly as she slips them back into the envelope.

"Same-now we've got a few more hours kid free-I was hoping to go on a date with you-" Lin points out.

"Sweet-talker aren't you? Fine, but we're picking up Victoria after we eat, I worry she's terrorizing your parents sometimes,"

"Nah, they love her, she's too sweet for them,"

"I sure hope so-now about your birthday-" (Y/n) starts.

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