106 March-Adjusting

215 13 0

"Okay, so we've got this handy schedule that I made...Victoria is going to have to sit with me a few times so you get a break from her...but I think I can manage her..." (Y/n) points out with a sigh. "I've gotten her so many coloring books to do, and she's got her mini worksheets and a few other things..."

"Calm down we'll figure it out, if this doesn't work then we can change it up," Lin says with a sigh. Sure he had work to do, but (Y/n)'s teaching was going to take most of the day.

"Well it'll be a bit easier, I'm just going to have them do what we've been doing in class. Discuss their sources we've been reading but this time in breakout rooms instead of small groups...and I'll pop in them...once I figure it out more clearly," (Y/n) points out with a sigh.

"Yeah you're doing okay...you've got this, you're an amazing teacher and oh I forgot I got a text from Isabella she said to wish you luck and to remind you that you're a great teacher."

"Remind me to send her a card, she's the best," (Y/n) points out softly.

"She is, now go help your students out by explaining everything a dozen times," Lin jokes making (Y/n) roll her eyes and kiss his cheek.

"Don't pound on your keyboard too much music-man, the soundproof foam hasn't gotten here yet, and you don't want to spoil anything to my students, because you know they would very much so adore it and want to leak it very quickly,"

Lin gave a huff and pout, "I know-I know-I can't believe they did that one year when I forgot that they could hear through your classroom door," he points out having been showing a demo of something to (Y/n) and the students were overly excited and Twitter blew up about it.

"Yes, now let me start my class, go be a good dad, there's a new set of playdoh if you want to get a bit messy with her, and plenty of trains to play in the living room...we might have to build her birthday present earlier though," she muses.

"The train table! Ooo can I build it! Can I?" Lin asks with wide eyes.

"Not today but if she does get bored maybe this weekend set it up," (Y/n) points out softly. "See you after my classes," she says.

"You'll do great, you're figuring it out and those videos are fun to make with you,"

"Yeah, I know-the students seem to enjoy us 'acting out' some of the source material we've got. Makes it more fun. But that was an example I was hoping they could do videos as an option for a final project."

"Ooo that might be fun to do,"

"Maybe, but we'll see how they feel-bye got to go,"

"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

A Book Started This Whole Thing (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now