71 Airplane Fiasco

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Okay, Airplane, we've got this, right?" (Y/n) says bounces a still tired Victoria in her arms.

"Yeah, we'll be fine, there's nothing that can go wrong,"


Lin regretted what he said earlier as he tried calming Victoria down from waking up due to some idiot yelling a few rows behind them. "Shhh princessa it's okay, only a few hours left, oh man why did you mama have to go to the bathroom right now," he pleads. (Y/n) all the way in the bathroom was oblivious to Lin's peril.

Even after trying to calm her down when (Y/n) finally came back and took her.

"Oh hi baby girl, I'm sorry I know it's rough up in the air huh? Lin can you get her binky from the diaper bag?" she asks and Lin was quick to give it to her. Finally having Victoria settle down against her. "See? Lin, you stress yourself out too much, she's teething and it hurts on top of the change might hurt her."

"Thank you, I'm sorry, I freaked out, I didn't know what to do, you're the best (Y/n) seriously,"

"You just have a lot to still learn about her, it's fine Lin, you'll manage it as everyone else does. She's just grumpy right now too,"

Victoria let out a mumble as she snuggled against her mother while Lin watched on with relief.

"I still feel bad that you can do all these things and she doesn't always trust me it seems,"

"She does, she knows your her daddy, she's just fussy and knows what she wants. It'll be fine Lin, we're spending all this time with you so you're gonna be great at it."

"She's just so much bigger and I still worry she won't like things I do,"

"She might not, but she'll let you know, I still make her upset if I do something wrong, it's hard to tell what they want as they can only cry to let us know,"


_-We shall be landing in around an hour-_

Once they landed (Y/n) was quick to keep Victoria giggly and happy, the baby clearly frustrated at not being able to move around much in the hour-long flight. "Finally we can run around!" Lin cries out, ditching (Y/n) and luggage in order to run up ahead.

"Your daddy is so so so silly," she whispers to the baby who just coos and cuddles close. "Lin we've got to go check in with your dad and get into the hotel!"

"Right! I knew that...there should be a rental here somewhere for us..."

A Book Started This Whole Thing (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now