119 Family Time

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Family Day had been deemed by Victoria as she was getting anxious about being stuck inside all the time. Even if they were being safe Lin and (Y/n) decided to have an indoor picnic in hopes that Victoria would settle down a bit.

So getting a bit of fake grass was rather easy and laying it all on the living room, with the furniture pushed to the edges they had a make-shift park. One where they could lay a blanket down and make a cute little picnic.

Alex was happily wiggling around on his back while sucking on a binky as Victoria ran around with Lin and a tiny kite. Lin, of course, was holding it up making it seem as though it was up in the air while Victoria let out strings of giggles happy her kite was 'flying'.

She had been wanting more kites because at the current moment she was more obsessed with Marry Poppins Returns over Hamilton. Refusing to even be in the same room if that was showing claiming it was 'evil daddy' and not 'funny talking daddy'.

Lin had even put on his costume he had gotten to keep and was spouting small bits of slang as (Y/n) kept an eye on Alex making sure he was doing fine. As well as setting plates out.

Betsy however was not interested and just lazily laying on her bed on the other side of the room, clearly wanting to nap instead of play, lazy dog at its finest.

"Woosh!" Lin called out letting the kite fall and scooping Victoria up into his arms, "Okay lunchtime ma'am. I believe we are having fish and chips" he coos out in a fake accent.

"Yes indeed we are kind sir, may your daughter like to join me and my son?" (Y/n) attempts to throw in only for both Lin and Victoria to shake their head.

"No mama, daddy does better," Victoria points out as she moves to sit where her animal plate was, before turning to give Alex a quick kiss on his head. "Hi, Alex! We have food-you do not," she boasts making both parents laugh.

The rest of the day was filled with them having fun on their indoor picnic and getting Victoria worn out.


A/n: Last chapter tomorrow! And I'll be posting the new fic tomorrow as well, probably will only be an every other day upload though

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