Chapter 8

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"Are you still on patrol," the sun was setting and Byul was in the secret garden, in the treehouse eating some dumplings.

"This is my last round," Eun-Chul said heading down the stairs. She finishes patrolling the garden when she heard sounds and hide behind a tree.

"It's that girl again. Bold little thing. Entering the garden whenever she please," Eun-Chul said to herself when she saw Solar climbing the wall. "I'd better send her off before Byul sees her. The two are bound to get into a row if they meet again."

Solar hop down the wall and landed when someone grabbed her and told her to quiet down. Eun-Chul saw where Byul was to see if she could see them but good thing she didn't.

"U-um pardon me, but I need to do something urgently, so please let me go," Solar said and Eun-Chul saw she was grabbing her by her waist.

"It's not safe for you to be here now," Eun-Chul said getting closer to Solar ear, and Solar got flustered. "I advise you to go back. Now's not a good time."

"No. I must. There's something I must find," Solar said separating from Eun-Chul.

"The guards might catch you."

"Even so, I must. Thank you for your concern. I'll be careful. Well, it's been a-," Solar was cutoff when Eun-Chul grabbed her hand.

"Wait," Eun-Chul went inside her coat and took out the pendant. "Is this what you're looking for?"

"My pendant!" Solar yelled with happiness that she found it. I found it. Mother, father.

"Is it?"

"Yes! Oh, thank you so-," when Eun-Chul shush her so she can lower her voice.

"You must leave now."

"I will," Solar climbs the tree to climb the wall.

"So that's her secret passageway. What lies beyond that passage might lead me to the person she's working for," Chul thought to herself when Solar calls her from the wall.

"Psst. Miss ghost. Thank you so much," Solar whisper showing her the pendant.

"Funny child,"

"Well, well! If it isn't the sneaky garden rat," Byul said showing up where the girls were. Solar and Eun-Chul got startled when they heard her. "Hello again, little brat."

"That wretch. Again?! She's everywhere I go."

"What have you come to steal today?" Byul said getting closer to Eun-Chul.

"I- I beg your pardon! I did not come to steal, I came to find," Solar was trying to defend herself when she slipped from the wall. "WHOAA!" She was about to fall when Eun-Chul went to grabbed her but Solar accidentally push away her face and Eun-Chul mask fell. Solar had her eyes close because she was about to fall and open them and she was surprised at the sudden thing she saw. "Y-you. Y-Y- you two are accursed twins," Solar said looking at Eun-Chul and Byul. 

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