Chapter 15

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The rules of "the stripping bet" are simple. A bet is made in each round and at the end of the round, the loser takes off a piece of garment. For instance, if the bet involves drinking the less you drink the more garments you must take off. Sometimes, the noblewomen play the game among themselves but most of the time, they play it to undress the kisaengs. After all, it is the kisaeng's job to keep the noblewomen entertained by coming up with different tantalizing ways to undress. They can be quite creative you'd be surprised.

"But I'm not asking you for anything creative yet. No need to dance or to seduce me. Just undress!" Byul orders Solar who was trying to protest. "You are a kisaeng in training. In a few months, you will have to do all this on your own."

"She's right. I don't have much time. I have to finish 'training' with her to keep her distracted and see my plan through. I must complete the antidote and escape before it's too late," Solar thought to herself. "I'll do it"

"Indeed. You must learn there are consequences for taking your education lightly, and this is an important part of your curriculum."

"Well, I shall take this lesson very seriously," and Byul started to count. "And why shouldn't I?"


"She can't possibly strip me bare. I've not come of age yet." "TWO" "This can't be any worse than the roll call. But I still can't stand the disdain in her eyes. When she looks at me! The smirk on her face makes me even the smallest thing feels shameful."

"Six, and?" Byul said looking at Solar who didn't take the rest garments off.

"I- I've nothing left to take off, my lady."

"I see two more garments."

"But these,"

"What about them? Are they not your garments?"

"But surely you don't mean it. Do I have to take everything off?"

"What a question! Does it look like I'm here to clown around with you?" said Byul.

"B-but I'm,"

"You're what? Are you not a flower maiden? Do you think you're different from the others? That you're above them? All the other flower maiden do it," said Byul standing up and getting a flower. "Some kisaengs do things you couldn't imagine. Listen your nothing but a girl fated to be a kisaeng. Nothing but a flower maiden," she said dropping the flower and stepping on in.

"It must please you, my lady. To have been born different. It must be something to be as special as you are."

"Indeed," said Byul glaring at Solar trying to grab her but Solar moved fast enough.

"Well, my lady! What an honor to be in your esteemed presence. Alas, I don't even deserve to breathe in the same air as you!"

"Aren't you as insolent as ever," Byul said pinning her to the wall. "I've no interest in the unripened body of a little girl but a bet is a bet. You answered all 10 questions incorrectly," said Byul trying to take Solar bra garment off. "So, you must still take off four more pieces. So? Let's see them come off, them!" Byul said trying to take it off when Eun-Chul came in.

"Well. Looks like I made it just in time," she said. 

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