Chapter 33

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*Flashback when Byul was younger*

"Thank goodness you're awake. You had me so worried. You were unconscious for 10 days," said aunt to Byul.

"Eh? 10 days?"

"There was poison in your meal. The royalists must've attempted your life."

"But why me?" asked Byul.

"In any case, you must be on your way promptly, so go and get ready. Your mother was always sickly, so when she learned that you'd fallen unconscious, she was overcome with shock and passed away. It is fortunate you awoke before the burial, but it's too dangerous to have you fulfill your duties as chief mourner. So Eun-Chul will be taking your place at the ceremony," said her aunt.

"I won't forgive them. I'm never going to forgive those royalists or royals," said Byul crying seeing the funeral of her mother from afar.

*End of flashback*

"Since the most recently tested elixir was effective, I'll prescribe it to Wheein unnie for now. In the meantime, I'll start working on a new formula. You can do it, Solar. You will!" said Solar to herself when a hand wave at her.

"Are you all ready?" asked Chul.

"Yes! When can I go see Wheein unnie?"

"Not today, probably. But you'll be allowed to go as soon as Byul sees it. She said you'll be staying here for now," said Chul sliding the door.

"So I probably won't be seeing unnie today..."

"If you have anything urgent to tell Wheein, I can let her know."

"Really? That would be great. Thank you!" said Solar grabbing Chul's hand and she just blushed. On the other side, Byul was thinking deep thoughts.

"What shall I do. She might have told the royals that I'm a twin. If rumors about my being a twin spread, then I'll come under everyone's scrutiny," said Byul to herself.

"Then your true identity will no longer be secret," said her inner voice.

"Did she tell them? But if she did, it wouldn't be this quiet. She may not have said anything yet."

"And what if she has?"

"Why me? Why did I have to be born a flower maiden," said Byul feeling suffocated when she heard knocks and she came to reality.

"Milady forgive the intrusion, but I must inform you of something," said the servant.

"What is it?"

"It's about the anemone maiden," said the servant, and Byul went where Solar was slamming the door.

"Mistress?!" said Solar. "I've been waiting for 4 days. Will I be able to see Wheein unnie today..." she was cut off when Byul grabbed her by the collar.

"Who are you? How could you have lived outside the garden before you turned fifteen? Why do you steal flowers? For whom did those guards work for? Why did you drug me? Why do you sell strange elixirs to kisaengs? Why is the lover of your closet unnie a royal? No matter how I see it, you're nothing but suspicious! Who are you?!" said Byul with annoyance.

"What are you saying? What did I," Solar was cut off again when Byul saw the cup.

"What's this? What are you making now?"

"It's the elixir you requested before. I was working on this because I've nothing else to do," Solar was interrupted again.

"You're lying again. What makes you think I'll just let you stride into the flower crypt?"

"But you promised!"

"Do you know what I find the most suspicious?" said Byul leaning to Solar. "Jung Wheein's full bloom is progressing rather slowly for some reason."

"It worked!"

"I found that very strange, and I suddenly recalled that you were working on an elixir. It's your doing, isn't it? Tell me. What is this elixir for?" said Byul and Solar looked at her worried.

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