Chapter 16

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"Looks like I made it just in time. Right?" Eun-Chul said.

"We'll leave the rest for next time," Byul said smirking at Solar. Byul left and Solar was lost in her thoughts when she felt a garment in her back.

"Here. Get dressed," said Eun-Chul giving her some space to change.

"Thank you for stepping in. I'll be off then," said Solar.

"Just a second. Do you feel a little better now?" said Eun-Chul caressing Solar's cheek.

"Thanks to you unnie, yes," said Solar when Eun-Chul lean to her and Solar started to blush.

"Let's get you tidied up, so people don't get the wrong idea."

"Oh. I was in such a hurry that I didn't realize," said Solar.

"There. That's better."

"Thank you. You're always helping me out."

"No. If anything, I owe you an apology."

"You? No unnie, you don't have anything to apologize for. You're not the one who's giving me a hard time, it's the mistress," said Solar sighing a big sigh. "Well, I'll see you then. Bye unnie."

"Take care," said Eun-Chul then she headed where Byul was. "Did I interrupt you, by any chance?"

"No. You came at the right moment. I only meant to scare her a bit. I wasn't going to push any further," said Byul.

"Here's what you asked for," said Eun-Chul giving her a piece of paper, and Byul notices that she looked overwhelmed.

"Is there something you'd like to say?"

"Are you all right?"

"So you heard everything, huh?" said Byul looking down. "Eun-Chul, no matter how hard I try to deny it, I know I am no different from that little brat. How long can I go on pretending? I don't know how much longer I can put up with this," said Byul trying to contain her fear.


Remember, Byul.

"Hey, Moon Byul! Everyone thinks you're a flower maiden. Is it true?" said the girl. "So? Are you?" the girls were pressuring Byul.

You must never let anyone think

"Flower maidens are nothing but wretched, crass creatures! And I am NOT wretched or crass!" Byul said punching the girl.

"You truly are as beautiful s a flower maiden, my lady. Thanks to you, we-" the woman was cut off by Byul.

"Don't you dare! I am not here to serve as a feast for your eyes," said Byul standing up from the table.

You are a flower maiden

"Wouldn't it be something if Moon Byul did turn out to be a flower maiden? I'd love to see her arrogant face twist with pleasure and her body painted with blooming flowers," the two women were talking when Byul heard and kick the one who was talking about her.

"What did you just say? How dare you speak of me in such a manner," said Byul kicking the woman. "If I hear anything like that from you again, I'll pull your tongue from your throat," said Byul giving her the last kick.

Remember Byul you must take your secret to the grave.

"Here. A gift for your coming of age. Your mother and I prepared it for this very day," said Byul's aunt giving her a box that inside was the hairpin representing the definition of mistress. "Take good care of it. It's one of the few keepsakes your mother left behind. It's a shame she could not see you wear this, though I'm sure she's watching you from the underworld," her aunt said. "However, I hope you understand that Eun-Chul will wear it first as she'll be taking your place on the night of the banquet," her aunt said and Byul just closes the box. "The banquet this year will be more lavish than ever to celebrate your coming of age. People from all over the kingdom will come together to celebrate your birthday."

"How wonderful. Though I will not be there," said Byul knowing the situation she was in.

It was Byul birthday but knowing that anytime soon she will bloom Eun-Chul took the position as her aunt said.

"Enjoy yourself, Eun-Chul," said Byul.

"Will you be all right?"

"I'll manage until you return."

"Shall I leave the doors unlocked, then?"

"No. Lock them. It is better to be safe than to take unwanted chances," said Byul looking down.

"I'll be back soon. I won't dare say I understand how you're feeling, but I want you to know, Byul, that I am forever grateful to you and your aunt," said Eun-Chul from the other side of the door.

"Pfft, if anything, I am grateful to you."

"Byul. Happy birthday. I'm glad you were born," said Eun-Chul heading out of the chamber.

"Glad I was born? I haven't heard those words since my mother passed away," said Byul to herself and fell asleep. While Eun-Chul headed where the birthday is going to take place and Byul's aunt was there waiting for her.

"The hairpin suits you perfectly," her aunt said.

"But it doesn't belong to me."

"Not yet, that is, but in less than 10 years, everything here will be yours," said her aunt. Eun-Chul went inside and sat in her place and the party began, while Byul her blooming started to begin. Eun-Chul was enjoying this even though it was Byul to be there, dancers started to dance, music played, but Byul wasn't in good condition. The party ended and Eun-Chul headed where Byul was, and Byul went up to her as fast as she could.

"Eun-Chul. P-please, help me. My body is burning, it's killing me. Please," said Byul, and Eun-Chul started to kiss her.

a/n- the flashback hasn't ended btw.

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