Chapter 25

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As someone who has bedded many a flower maiden, let me give you some advice. When bedding the maidens, it's handy to keep each one's preferences in mind. For instance, the chrysanthemums maiden enjoys sadistic partners. The rougher your handling, the more potent her scent becomes, and the quicker the flowers bloom over her body. Now, as for the lily maiden... and that's how I bedded the lily maiden," said Sodam at the banquet. "See, once you're as experienced with the maidens as I am, you too, will learn of their secret," said Sodam when Byul grabbed her and threw her. "URGH! Huh?! The mistress"

"You were in my way," said Byul.

"What was that for?! That was most unnecessary!" yelled Sodam with annoyance.

"My apologies, but don't you find yourself a rather pathetic boasting in front of these youngsters?" said Byul and Siyeon laughed. "Pray forgive me. You know what a pain I can be. An old dog cannot learn new tricks," said Byul and Sodam slam the table and left. "Now, what to do with that wayward brat?" Byul said to herself, drinking her cup.

Sodam stormed out of the banquet and left wherever she's going.

"That wench! Let's see just how long she can carry on with her arrogance," said Sodam.

While the incident happened at the banquet, Eun-Chul was with her aunt, well Byul's aunt.

"So, I gather the young maiden is now imprisoned?"

"Yes, aunt."

"Well, one should not expect any less from Byul. I am sorry to burden you with all this, Eun-Chul," said her aunt.

"Please, milady. Not at all," said Eun-Chul when her aunt grabbed her hand.

"I'm most grateful you are here with us. What will we do without you?" and Eun-Chul just smiled at her compliment when they heard knocks. "What is it?"

"Pardon me, milady. There's been a fire at the old banquet hall, near the east end of the garden," the servant said and Eun-Chul stands up putting her mask.

"That must be!"

"Yes, it is where the young maiden is being held. I will go at once, my lady," said Eun-Chul.

"Okay, but how strange. Who could've started the fire? The hall hasn't been in use for quite some time. Make sure you find out who was behind it," the aunt told Chul and she left to the abandoned banquet.

The fire was growing bigger, nonstop when Solar woke up from the smoke. She grabbed an old table and started to break the bars of wood.

"I did it! Now if I can just open this door," said Solar. "HELLO?! EXCUSE ME! IS ANYONE THERE?! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" she bangs the door, but it was no use. "Oh, no. What now?! I don't think I can bring down this door. What shall I do?!" she said when the fire started to get between the door. "NO!" she yelled and remember when her house was on fire yelling for her parents then saw a katana sword. "NO!!" she yelled, and she felt a light slap in her cheek.

"Come to your senses, girl! Don't let my efforts go to waste!"

"Lady Byul?"

"Come now, let's get out of here," yelled Byul grabbing her wrist but Solar fainted. "Goodness, are you all right?! Come now! Wake up!" Byul tries to wake Solar but was no use due to the young girl that fainted. "For heaven's sake!" and lifted Solar bridal style and went to take her out of the fire.

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