Chapter 60

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"Crop fields, silk, ginseng, a few pieces of precious jewels. Is this all?" said aunt checking the scroll.

"The mistress will be reinstated to her post. Also, the Lee and Uhm families, who were deeply involved in the case, will hand over their exclusive trade-" said Hwasa but was cut off.

"We have no use for such things. The mistress needs time to return to her duties. Byul has been hurt by the incident. We will reinstate her when she feels ready."

"Then what is it that you want?"

"I would like the names of everyone who signed the appeal to investigate the case and have them all dismissed. They have dared to wreak havoc on this nation and cause trouble for your highness, all because of a blasphemous rumor."

"But that condition is impossible to fulfill," said Hwasa.

"Then beginning tomorrow, I will have a high official of the Moon family investigate Byul's kidnapping incident. Who knows? A witness may miraculously appear and testify against the mastermind behind the case. But I see no use in digging into the past. So if a mass dismissal is out of the question then what do you think of this?"

<<Threatening to make out the royal family to be responsible using a false witness,>> Hwasa said to herself.

<<There is no proof that the blue-haired flower maiden exists and the brand on my back was revealed before they found anything. Everyone has been gossiping about the poor mistress who was kidnapped and forced to suffer at a young age. There were even rumors that the royal family had been responsible for the incident. The public opinion was that raising any more issues against the Moon family would only be groundless criticism and so the royal family wrapped up the matter in haste. Everything is going according to aunt's plan,>> said Eun-Chul to herself heading to her aunt. <<Princess Hyejin has her hands tied and Byul is in confinement. Solar will not be able to escape from Yellow Flower Garden and aunt is always at the residence. If a year or two passes in this state in which everyone is kept apart, I can do whatever I wish. I will help Solar complete the antidote and as her lover and savior. I'll spend the rest of my life with her,>> she said with a smile on her face and enters her aunt's quarters.

"You're just in time."

"What's Solar doing here?"

"I invited her here myself. Because we must keep secret the fact that she is on familiar terms with you and because we need the rights to the antidote that she is developing. She is here today on a preliminary visit but in a few days, will be officially residing at the Moon family residence," said aunt drinking her tea making Chul be surprised.

"That's against the law for a flower maiden to reside anywhere outside moonlight garden."

"It is one of the conditions I have procured from the incident. It seemed like a good opportunity to mock our enemies by making the rumors they'd spread true. And if effect, we will become the first household ever to hold a flower maiden in possession. Besides, I hear that you two are quite close. Aren't you glad to see her?"

"I just hadn't expected to see her here," said Chul.

"Eun-Chul unnie, I'm sorry about last time. It was a misunderstanding," said Solar.

<<No... I can't let aunt know about Solar!>> "It's all right. I'm glad that it has been cleared up. So how long will Solar be residing here," said Chul with a stern voice.

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