Chapter 47

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Solar was taken by the maids of the maidens once their germinations begin. She was in the tub, being splash by the water, scent as her flower.

A flower maiden begins blooming seven days after the germination of her seed. She is kept in isolation during the seven days leading up to the bloom and is groomed and adorned with splendid garments and trinkets. She must spend all her time preparing for the coming-of-age ceremony. With the ceremony just around the corner, security in Yellow garden become heightened and each of our subsequent escape plans failed. I had no choice but to come to bloom in Yellow Flower garden. However. Yesterday was the expected date of my bloom and I have yet to bloom, said Solar.

The people that lived in the garden, were murmuring about how the guests were furious and were surprised that Solar hasn't bloomed yet and is the first time it happened. Solar was in her bed-chamber with the mistress and the doctor checking her.

"How many times are you going to check her pulse?" said Byul. "Tell us what's wrong already. Why hasn't she bloomed yet?"

"Pardon me, my lady. There is no way to tell since she does not display any symptoms. There's never been a case like this before," said the doctor.

"You can't be serious. You're a doctor specializing in flower maidens. Who else would know if not you?! If you can't find a way to make her well soon, you will be severely punished, you hear? Now leave," said Byul making the doctor leave. "Are you all right, Solar? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I've been taking my medicine."

"Good. Here, this will probably be our last attempt to get you out before you bloom," said Byul handing her a piece of paper.

"Will Chul unnie come to help again?"

"No. This time I'm going to get involved."


"I think our plan will fail again," said Hwasa.

"Then why did you send for me?"

"I thought that maybe we could devise a secret plan our own."

"You want me to go it alone in secret, without the help of my aids, because you suspect a traitor among us? That's preposterous!" said Byul standing up from her position. "Even if there were a traitor, they'd most likely be one of you people. Someone from the palace. You should search and cast them out."

"I expected you to react this way. You have such a fiery temper."

"Then why?" said Byul when Hwasa took out a silver dagger. That dagger! What is mother's treasured silver dagger doing here?

"Do you recognize this?"

"You'd better tell me in minute detail why you have that in your possession," said Byul grabbing Hwasa by her collar.

"You want to know? Follow my plan and get Solar out of Yellow garden. Then I will tell you what you want to know."

"And if I don't succeed?"

"Then you'll never get to know," said Hwasa removing Byul hand out of her collar. "As I said before, make sure that no one finds out about this. Not Solar and not even your closest confidantes."

*End of flashback*

It was night, and the twins were in the chamber; Byul walking back and forth to the door.

"You seem to be in and out often these days," said Chul.

"I've just been feeling a bit uneasy."

"Don't blame yourself for what happened with Solar. You did everything you could."

"I'll be back soon," said Byul walking around the garden then entering back her chamber not knowing that Eun-Chul was spying on her.

"Byul has been going for walks in the secret garden and stopping by the administrative quarters every night. She seems troubled that Solar's escape plans have continuously failed," said Chul to her aunt.

"How are preparations for the child's coming-of-age ceremony coming along? Judging by the results of past experiments, I expect her to bloom about a day before Byul. Make sure that nothing goes wrong."

"Yes, milady."

Chul climbed down the tree and went to the chamber where Byul was.

"She's been in the administrative quarters for a while. I should have her return soon. She has a lot of things to get ready before Solar's bloom," Chul said to herself. "Byuli, it's getting late. We need to head back," and she notices it was silence and enter and notice that Byul's garment was on her desk. "Byul's gone?! Where could she have gone without an escort? She couldn't have!"

Solar made her aides at sleep and tied them, and Byul entered where she was staying.

"Are you sure that this is all right? What do you think?" said Solar.

"Of course it's not all right? I can't believe I have to wear this hideous dress because of you," said Byul in annoyance checking out the dress she had to put.

"That's not what I meant."

"Doesn't matter. I'll take care of whatever happens after, so just follow me," said Byul grabbing Solar's hand. On the other hand, Eun-Chul was running, trying to find where Byul was. Solar and Byul enter a chamber, trying to not be caught by the guards. Chul enters the chamber where Solar was staying and notice she wasn't there.

I need to find Solar as soon as possible!

Solar and Byul were in a different chamber talking about the plan to get Solar out, giving her a pendant.

"Show the guards this plate and they will let you go. It's a mark of your status. Once you get past the doors, Ahn Hyejin has agreed to keep you under her protection. I will be busy for some time with duties resulting from this event, so I will likely send Eun-Chul to check on you," said Byul. "I expect you to pay me back someday for my help today."

"Of course and for all the help you've given me thus far. I am indebted to you. Thank you so much, my lady," said Solar happily grabbing Byul's hand making her blush and Byul remove her hand. What was that about? It's suddenly gotten awkward.

"Um..." said both.

"After you, unnie!"

"Oh, huh? Well, um," said Byul moving her hand at the sudden action when Solar got closer. "Soon the bell will ring when the clock strikes midnight! So I just thought that it would be a good time to escape," said Byul when suddenly a wave of peach scent filled the room. Solar started to panic, knowing her blooming started, and notice she failed again to get out of Yellow Flower garden.

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