Chapter 23

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*flashback to early in the morning*

"The brat is such a nuisance," said Byul fixing her hair and putting on a short navy wig. "I can put up being nice to her for a single day since you'll have to attend a banquet in my place tonight. But when I'm in bloom, I'll have to act kindly toward her for days!" Byul said moving her feet of annoyance. "And you're partly to blame, Eun-Chul! If you hadn't treated her kindly in the first place, I wouldn't have to put myself through this," Byul said while Eun-Chul was dressing as Byul and putting a fake mole under her left eyebrow because Byul bloom was near and it was time for Eun-Chul to be the mistress.

"Now, now, Byul, remember. Unless you want Solar to find out our little secret you must be kind, courteous, and friendly," said Eun-Chul stretching Byul cheeks so she can smile.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you? Let us go, now, mistress," said Byul to Eun-Chul, grabbing her mask.

*End of flashback*

Byul was in the stream by the secret garden, playing with the rocks supposedly checking around.

"She is a funny girl," said Byul to herself then she remembers what Solar said to her. "You gave me a fright unnie." And Byul just blushes remembering the words. "Hmph! She calls Eun-Chul 'unnie' with a shy smile but has the audacity to call me 'wretch' and never miss a chance to talk back," she said with a slight blush putting her mask. "Pfft, unnie. Tomorrow, I must teach her the proper forms of address." Byul was heading to the chamber and Solar was there working. "Better not look at her. If we make eye contact, I'll be obliged to give her a 'kind' smile," Byul thought to herself and got surprised to see at Eun-Chul. "Eun-Chul's sleeping? I've never seen her sleep when she's in my attire," Byul thought to herself moving the hair strand in Eun-Chul's face. "How strange. I was out for only half an hour. Wait. It was around this time of day when I also fell asleep a few days ago. Right after I had my afternoon tea. And the tea set's gone. Eun-Chul usually takes the tea set away, and the brat knows this, so she wouldn't have bothered with it, unless" Byul thought with a grin on her face.

"It looks like she suspects something, just like she did the other day," thought Solar to herself when Eun-Chul (aka Byul) came back inside with the tea set in hands. "W- why did you bring the tea set back in, unnie?"

"I fancy a cup of tea this afternoon."

"P-pardon?! Oh, unnie. That cup's been sitting there for a while. Let me wash everything for you. I'll brew a new cup of tea for you, too," said Solar heading to Eun-Chul (aka Byul).

"No need, Solar. Byul and I are sisters, there's nothing wrong with using the same cup."

"Then," "She'll fall asleep if she drinks the tea." "May I... may I have some, too?"

"Why, that wouldn't be right. I wouldn't want you to drink leftovers."

"But I've always wanted to share a cup of tea with you, unnie," said Solar and Byul glared at her and Solar just gulped.

"I see. Well, then perhaps you'd also like to take a little nap?" she said holding the teapot.


"What's wrong? Let's share a cup of tea some other time. You go ahead and enjoy your afternoon while Byul's asleep. I'd take a nice nap if I were you," said Eun-Chul (aka Byul) with a grin on her face.

"Oh, that's what you meant. It's all right, unnie. I don't want the mistress to get angry at me again."

"I'll tell her I permitted you. Go on."

"Okay. I'll be off, then," Solar bowed. "Oh, no. I think she knows. She knows. Well, so what. I have my pendant, and that's all that matters," said Solar to herself heading out. Byul just glares at her and heads where the desk of Solar was and kicked the table making the books fall off.


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