Chapter 50

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An incredibly sweet fragrance mixed with a silky familiar scent. Whatever that's good was always yours, while my role was to take responsibility and resolve problems. Why is it that you always seem to take this fact for granted? said Chul to herself touching Solar's face when she heard an argument outside.

"Since you have dared touched a noble, it is only right that you get on your knees and seek forgiveness. Don't you think so?" Sodam said.

<<This is bad. It doesn't seem like she will let me off without a fuss.>>

"What is going on out there? What are you doing instead of carrying out my orders?" said Byul aka Eun-Chul and Byul was relieved she appeared.

"Pardon me, my lady, but I was just teaching this one a lesson. She shoved me, you see. Even if she was in a hurry, how dare she touch a noble," said Sodam when Chul raised her hand and push Byul head down and both women were startled at her reaction.


"I am sorry, my lady."

"Is that enough?"

"I will let her off this time since the mistress herself has intervened. Now if you'll excuse me," said Sodam bumping into them.

"You should get going as well."

"As you wish, lady," said Byul and headed her way. <<Someone like Park Sodam, is sure to be excited to have something to criticize me about. Chul will have some work cut out for her.>>

Sodam was heading to her destination when she scents something and enters the bed-chamber.

"The flower maiden that everyone's been looking for has been here all along. And she's bloomed. What a sweet, potent fragrance," said Sodam taking Solar's blanket off when the mistress stopped her. "A flower maiden that's bloomed before the ceremony. What do you make of this mistress?"

"Go tell everyone. Go tell them that the miscreant of the Moon family has caused trouble again. That she's held an exclusive coming of age ceremony," she said leaning to a scared Sodam. It was morning and the people around the garden were talking about how the mistress cross the line this time. The high noblewoman can't be with her act any more that they had to do something about it. It was late night and aunt was in her quarters reading a book when Chul enter.

"Any word?"

"The dismissal of the mistress will most likely take place as planned," said Chul.

"Well done. Byuli has dug her own grave, and has, in turn, provided us with an opportunity. We could say that she will keep herself confined at home for two or three years. Once she meets her full bloom, you could take her place, saying that you have turned over a new leaf," said her aunt and she caught Chul staring at the pendant that was in the box.

"What do you keep in that box of yours?"

"Just a few old items of nostalgic quality."

"That pendant?" asked Chul.

"Pendant? What about it? Have you seen it before? Is it something you've seen before?

"No. I just would not have expected you to keep something so plain hidden away. I had to wonder if it was important to you."

"At times, the plainest of things may carry the key to the most splendid victory of all," said her aunt.

Byul and Hwasa met at their quarters in the middle of the night, talking about the situation.

"What are you doing with my mother's silver dagger?"

"I can't tell you the answer, since Solar's escape has been unsuccessful," said Hwasa. "My condition was that you get Solar out of Yellow garden. Your exclusive coming of age ceremony is the grounds for your dismissal, which was solely your doing. But your efforts were indeed significant, so I will tell you one thing," said Hwasa drinking her tea. "The real owner of that silver dagger is Solar's mother. She is the one who asked me to keep it safe."

"What? Her mother? What does Solar have to do with anything? How is she re-"

"Stop. That's all I can tell you," said Hwasa drinking her tea.


Hae-ran and her sister were in their quarters talking about how she found someone that can do an antidote to stop flower maidens from blooming.

"Is such a thing possible?" said her sister.

"Hard to believe, isn't it? But it seems that its development is well underway. I thought I might scare them away if I told them that I was from the Moon family, so I've been slowly trying to earn their confidence for the past month, though I'm not certain if I've made any leeway. I've even sent my silver dagger as a token of trust, just in case," said Hae-ran mother of Byul.

<<If that antidote is successful, my plan to use Eun-Chul to take over the Moon family will all have been in vain.>> "Have you told Byuli yet?"

"No. you're the only one I've told. I didn't want her to be disappointed, in case it is unsuccessful."

<<There's still time>>

Hwasa went to Kim's family hanok and saw little Solar playing outside and gave her a present.

"This is a telescope," said Hwasa.

"Wow! I can see far away."

"Cool, isn't it? It's the newest invention straight from the mainland," said Hwasa when Mrs. Kim called her. "Stay here, Solar, and have fun with it. I'm going to go talk to your parents, okay?" and she nodded.

"The letter appears to be from the head of the Moon family, indeed. I think we should get you to a safer place immediately," order Hwasa and Mr. Kim was shocked.

"Could we have three more days before we move again?"

"We don't have time. There is no knowing what the Moon family will do. The letter may not have been sent with the intent to negotiate."

"It's just we promise our daughter to take her to the market so she can make good memories. We've never had a chance to do so since we've always been on the run. We wish to keep our promise to her this time," said Mr. Kim.

"The person who sent us this letter has been a customer of ours for the past month; she's been buying our medicinal herbs. If she intends to harm us, she would've done so long before. Judging by how formal and desperate she sounds in her request to meet with us, I believe that she must have a good reason for it," said Mrs. Kim. Hwasa gave her heart eyes on how stunning she is and Mr. Kim glared at her.

"Though she may sound formal in writing, her intentions may not be as pure, but if that is your wish, I will call for extra security and arrange the move for three days later," said Hwasa.

"Thank you, my lady. Just to be on the safe side, will you keep the letter and dagger for us?"

"I will." Three days had passed, and the market festival came to their place. The Kims took Solar to the festival, and she was happy seeing acrobats and tasting food, making good memories. Hwasa was watching them from afar when her guard notify her that the things of the Kims are place at their new house. It was getting late and Hwasa headed to them.

"It's strange that you haven't heard from them. They should have arrived by now," said Hwasa and notice that the Kims house was on fire. She arrives there and saw her guards were dead and went inside the house to see the Kims dead. "My last hope, gone in a flash," she said and heard someone cough inside the cabinets and saw Solar fall. "I must at least save this child," she said grabbing Solar and leaving the place. 

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