Chapter 3

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"It was a rather strange night. The wind howled and the moon shone brightly, and for some reason the guard found himself patrolling the garden all alone. As he made his rounds, he found the flowers more beautiful than usual that night, so he stopped under one of the trees, and stood entranced when all the sudden an eerie breeze swept past the back of his neck. The next thing he saw before fainted was a dark figure with eyes ablaze like burning coal glaring at him."

Solar felt chills like someone was watching her. She turned around but there was no one.

"Why did Wheein unnie have to tell me that story tonight?" Solar said worried looking around. "I should get out of here as soon as I pick enough flowers for my potions," Solar said while putting the flower in her bag. "I know the canola flowers are here somewhere," Solar said when a hand grabbed her.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Solar yelled when she felt someone grabbed her, she started to throw punches trying to defend herself while the mistress tries not to get hit. "GET AWAY FROM ME EVIIL SPIRIT! GO BACK TO THE UNDERWORLD! G-GET AWAY!"

"That's quite enough!" Byul said grabbing Solar wrist.

"Let me GO!" Solar said when she met Byul's eyes. "A w-woman!"

"The scent of flowers," Byul thought. "A flower maiden."

"Pardon me, ma'am, I thought you-," Solar was saying when Byul cut her off.

"What brings you here, girl?" Byul asked.

"Well, I-I," Solar stutter and thought to herself "*Goodness, what now? *"

"Is it true that young flower maidens steal flowers and eat them," Byul said snatching the bag off Solar hand. "To acquire a more potent fragrance? Are you already so eager to lure women into bed? Look at you. So lustful, at such a young age," Byul said grabbing Solar wrist and looking at her eyes. "You have no shame, don't you?"

"What?! That's not t-true!" Solar said defending herself.

"Is it not? A flower maiden has no need for money, and if you wanted to admire flowers, you could watch them bloom on your body," Byul said letting go of Yong. "So why should you need to steal flowers? There is only one answer, one cannot expect any less from lecherous kisaengs like you."

"Kisaengs like me, you say? Well, miss, I also know a thing or two about your kind," Solar said leaning to Byul. "You're the kind of woman who desperately tries to look like an aristocrat."

"What did you say?"

"You may wear silk robes and ornate jewelry, but your foul mouth gives you away. If anyone finds you here, you'll have to pay your way out of prison," Solar said shoving Byul. "... With the same money that bought your 'nobility.'"

"What insolence," Byul said while emptying the bag she grabs from Solar and squeezing the flowers. "I never thought I'd hear such nonsense," she said throwing the flower she squeezed to the floor. "From a flower thief, of all people."

"How could you!" Solar said grabbing Byul by her collar.

"What's wrong? Do these flowers remind you of yourself? So delicate, so frail, so pitiful?"

"How could you destroy-" Solar said when the guards of the secret garden where checking around. Solar covers Byul's mouth so they can't get caught.

"Get off me, brat!"

"Shh, both of us will get in trouble if we're caught. Hold still until the guards leave," Solar said trying to hide when Byul shove her over.

"Over here-," Byul said when Solar grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to hide. The guards heard noises and headed to the quarters because well they know the scary story too.

"Whew, that was close," Solar sigh. Byul got up from Solar arms pissed because Solar yanked her hair.

"How dare you...," Byul said.

A/N: *gasp* Solar how dare you, jk i love solar. 

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