Chapter 31

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"The anemone flower maiden has begun her full bloom!"

"Wheein unnie," said Solar who was almost falling but Eun-Chul grabbed her before she falls.

"Go on your way. I'll be right over," said Chul.

"Why so soon! No. Not yet," said Solar leaving from Chul's arms; she tried to grab her, but she couldn't reach her. Before Solar left running Byul grabbed her before she could leave. "What are you doing! Let go of me. I MUST GO TO WHEEIN UNNIE!" said Solar trying to leave but Byul tightens her grip and pulls her for a hug.

"She'll only become more distraught if you go to her in this state. After all, she was probably ready to meet her fate," said Byul, and Solar separated from the hug and pushed her.

"'READY?' DID YOU JUST SAY READY? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LIVE KNOWING THAT ONE DAY YOU'LL HAVE TO SUCCUMB TO FULL BLOOM?! No, you don't, because you don't have to," yelled Solar, and Chul tries to stop her but she just listens. "You don't have to fear time It'll pass for you until your face is covered in wrinkles and your hair grows white! So don't pretend as you understand!" yelled Solar but Byul just laugh looking down. "DO YOU THINK THIS FUNNY? Yes, of course you would. Of course the lives of lowly flower maidens would be a laughing matter to you! That's why you threatened me with Wheein unnie's life," said Solar losing her grip that was in Byul's collar and cry on her shoulder.

"Forgive me. You're right. I wouldn't know what it feels like to go through all that," said Byul hugging Solar.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to be born this way. I hate that I am cursed to live as a kisaeng until my dying breath. A flower maiden is isolated and imprisoned and must wait for her death. She disappears without a trace as if she'd never existed. It's all so WRETCHED," said Solar who her tears wouldn't stop and Byul lift her chin.

"I'll help you to the best of my ability. So stop crying."


"Yes. I'll do everything I can. Eun-Chul, let me handle this."

"Certainly. I'll go ahead and changed."

"Thanks, Chul," said Byul.

"No need to thank me," said Chul. "Though I wear Byul's garments, I do not have the power to make decisions. And because I do not have this power, I can't help Solar. The role of a shadow is to swallow everything in its path. That is all, but must it be so?"

A full bloom entails the death f a flower maiden. Though it is not a time for a maiden's regular bloom, flowers will envelop her entire body and she will die in a week. When a full bloom begins, all traces of the flower maiden's existence are removed, and she is isolated and imprisoned somewhere deep inside the Yellow Flower garden.

Wheein was dressed in black entering the deep inside Yellow garden when she heard someone yelled.

"WHEEIN!! WAIT!! WHEEIN!!!! NOO, WAIT!!! WHEEIN!!!! NOOO!!!," yelled Hwasa trying to pass the guards trying to go with Wheein but it was helpless.

Once a flower maiden in full bloom steps past the doors, she cannot return alive.

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