Chapter 46

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Hwasa was in her chambers when Chungha came in and gave her a letter from the mistress and she started to read it.

"The mistress was so adamant on keeping Solar under the watch of the Moon family, but it appears that she has decided to take our offer and let us help Solar escape," said Hwasa.

"It is a surprise that the mistress made a concession."

"She's starting to anxious I suppose. Do all that you can to get Solar out safely," said Hwasa and Chungha nodded.

Byul was in her bed-chamber when Chul enter and they started to talk.

"What? You sent a letter to Ahn Hyejin?" said Chul.

"Yes, I was afraid that aunt would object. So I went ahead and gave word. Since it has come to this, let's plan out the escape carefully and get Solar out of here."

"There is no stopping you but all right," said Chul with a smile. I'll have to come up with a plan, and quick.

The servants were putting boxes of different sizes in the wagon, while Byul was watching.

"How is Solar? Is she very ill?"

"My lady, the doctor says that she should be fine tomorrow once she gets some rest. She was given some medicine and is now fast asleep," said Byul servant.

"That's a relief. Let her rest. Let people know not to bother someone who's ill," said Byul then she taps the box that was carried by the workers. "Handle this crate of china with extra caution. Don't toss it around because it's heavy. You'll end up breaking the contents," said Byul opening the box. "If anything happens to them, you will be thoroughly punished," said Byul and the workers nodded. Byul closes the box but she said that knowing that Solar was under the contents. "Tch. What has the royal family ever done for us to deserve gifts of this amount."

"Who would've known how comforting it would be to smell the mistress' strong perfume. I feel slightly more at ease now," said Solar to herself when the workers started to put down the box. "I hope this works. I must escape this place today before the seed begins germination tomorrow and security is on high alert in preparation for the coming-of-age ceremony."

"Everyone, gather round!" yelled one worker and all the workers started to see the scroll.

"What's going on?" said Solar.

"What is going on over there?" asked Chungha who was passing by her lover.

"I hear that they're preparing gifts for the royal family. They must be checking the contents. Looks like the Moon family keeps to their word, despite their lack of respect for the royal family. So, it may seem, but that's now even half the amount of gifts that they agreed on," said her lover.

"I should have known they wouldn't go out of their way to flatter the royals. How typical of the Moon family. Tsk, tsk, let's go," said Chungha glancing at the box knowing that Solar is in there.

"Finally, we're off. Please let me make it out of here safely," said Solar to herself when they start moving the box. "Maybe I'm on a wagon now?" but she notices something was wrong.

"WHAT? IT STILL HASN'T ARRIVED?" yelled Byul when she was notified that the gifts weren't received.

"I think it may have gotten mixed up with the items to be sent to the higher ranks," said Chul.

"Aren't they about to deliver them soon?!"

"Yes, but they've left the items in the storage room for the time being. The crate should still be there if we go now."

"Come on, let's go!" said Byul but Chul stopped her.

"Wait, Byul. They'll be suspicious if they see you digging through the storage. You're the mistress. I'll go take a look. You stay put," and Chul put on her mask and left to her destination.

"This is all my fault. I was afraid that they'd suspect me once they discovered that Solar's gone, and left the scene too quickly. It's my fault for leaving so soon. I should've stayed to make sure she made it out," said Byul to herself.

"Something's gone wrong. I know it. If I leave now, I might run into a guard and by suspicion. I should wait until someone comes to get me, but how much longer will that take? I don't even know how much time has passed, let alone tell if it's day or night," said Solar to herself when she heard steps. "Who's that? That's the third person already. Please let it be someone who's here to get me out," she had her eyes close when someone opened the box.

"Solar, are you okay?!"

"Eun-Chul unnie!!"

"You must have been so frightened!"

"I'm so glad that you came to find me. I was terrified by myself," Solar said and Chul just grins at herself.

"I was so worried about you."

"The plan didn't work, did it?"

"Not this time. Let's think of another plan. We should head back before people get suspicious. Someone might've noticed you're gone."

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you," said Solar looking down.

"Solar. I can't guarantee that our next plan will be successful, but I promise I won't ever put you in danger."

"I'm so glad I have you, Eun-Chul unnie," said Solar when they noticed the scent.

"Solar, your seed."

"So, I failed to make it out of Yellow garden, and now germination has begun," said Solar.

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