Chapter 69

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"What have I done...EUN-CHUL... EUN-CHUL, WHY WOULD YOU!"


"NO!!! EUN-CHUL YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!! EUN-CHUL," yelled aunt who was taken away.

Following that day, everything was settled quickly under the leadership of Hwasa and Byul unnie. An agreement had been made between the royals and the Moon family. Its conditions slightly diminished the influence of the Moon family, but they now served as strong allies to the royal family and, in turn, helped to establish a power structure centered around the crown. But the detail, I am not sure about. Moon Hwayoung was sentenced to death by poison in her place of exile. Maybe she was telling the truth about how Eun-Chul unnie was like a daughter to her. She asked for her until her last breath. And, thankfully, Eun-Chul unnie survived. She was saved by Hwayoung's secret ledger, which she had kept hidden in her breast pocket. However, she lost her right arm through the incident.

"How are you feeling, Chul?" asked Byul.

"A little uncomfortable, but I'm fine. I hear that aunt took poison. Thanks to her, I am to live a new life again."

"You almost died because of her, you mean."

"Maybe you're right. Well, I suppose I won't be able to stand in for you anymore, now that I've lost my right arm."

"There's no need for you to do that anymore," said Byul.

"I'm just joking. In any case, it feels like I've finally found my hand in the process."

"You were always you. Even when you had to use your hand for me," and Chul smiled.

"Seems like I've heard you say nicer things lately than I have all my life."

"W- what?! That's not true! You're exaggerating! Here, take this. I do know what you like," said Byul giving her a small box. "I got it right this time, didn't I?"

"Yakgwa! Yes, it's one of my favorites. Do you know why it's my favorite?" and Byul shook her head. "I had it for the first time when aunt took me in. I had never tasted anything so sweet and delicious before. It's still sweet and delicious," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Chul. What do you say we start over? We'll forget about everything, all the wrong we've done, and start over, not as a noble and slave, nor owner and shadow, but as real friends. I mean, you're the only friend I have, after all."

"Thank you."

That night, they stayed up all night talking. Then with only a note left behind, Eun-Chul unnie was gone at the crack of dawn. Yellow Flower Garden was temporarily shut down. Thanks to my mother's research records and the full support of the royal family, the development of the antidote has been showing much progress. Recently, the flower maidens who had continuously take the antidote saw the colors of their hair change back to normal. They eventually reverted when it came time to bloom, but the results are still very promising. Not everyone was accepting of the changes, especially flower aides who were still used to the life of a kisaeng. But I believe that soon they will also come to find what they truly want in life.

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