Chapter 11

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Eun-Chul grabbed Solar and carry her to the room where she can sleep better from the incident that she got into. It was already morning and Solar woke up from her sleep and headed to her classes.

"Solar, are you listening?" "Solar! Did you practice? KIM Solar! Come to your senses." The teachers were scolding her because she was dazed all day.

"What now? How am I going to find a secret of such magnitude? I'm nothing but a poor flower maiden. While they seem to be aristocrats from a powerful family. If worst comes to worst, they could even... No. I shouldn't let my imagination take hold of me," Solar thought of herself when someone went up from behind and cover her eyes. She slaps the hands away and ready to punch the person but notice it was her unnie.

"Wheein unnie!"

"Sorry, Solar. I didn't mean to frighten you."

"No, it's fine, unnie. I've just been in a daze all day."

"Did you stay up late again? You really should go to bed on time."

"I'll go to bed early tonight. I promise. Come, I hear the peddler is here. Let's go see what he's brought! You know I like nothing better than looking at the peddler's goods," Solar said trying to change the theme.

"Are you sure? Perhaps you should get some rest..."

"No, if I lie down now, I won't be able to get up in time for roll call. Besides, this is our only chance to get some fresh air. We can't just stay cooped up in the garden," Solar told Wheein heading to the peddler's goods.

"Come! Come, ladies. Feast your eyes on the finest of the finest! Today I bring you treasures from abroad, reserved solely for you ladies in Yellow Flower garden! Come, you won't see these goods in the marketplace," the peddler said.

"Ooh. Looks like he brought a lot of new goods," Wheein said excitedly.

"Yes, let's see," Solar said looking at the goods. "I must get my pendant back. It's all I have left to remember mother and father by, but how in heavens will I find a secret worth the trade?" Solar thought to herself when she found a pendant that looks like the same as her but a different flower. "Why, that's it. I'll just take a pendant similar to mine, and secretly replace it! I'll play by their rules until the antidote is complete and then run away. Yes, that's what I'll do!"

"What are looking at so intently? A pendant? Do you want me to buy it for you," Wheein said grabbing the pendant that Solar had in her hands.

"Oh no, unnie. I was just lost in my thoughts for a minute."

"Then choose something else you want. Anything you fancy. It'll be my treat."

"Oh unnie, you don't have to, you're too kind."

"Now, little one. Why not listen to your unnie and choose something? Why everything is paid for by the Yellow Flower garden. Go on pick one," the peddler said. "Any of these ornaments will suit ladies as fair as yourselves."

"Yes, Solar. Come one. Choose something pretty."

"Well, if you insist, I better choose the prettiest one!" The girl started to see the things that the peddler had, they try one of each and see what they like.

"Peach blossoms are still my favorite," Solar said.

"Well, I already have a anemone hairpin, so I'm going to get a baby's breath one to match."

"How lovely! Looks good on you."

"Here. I've wrapped up the gift you asked for, miss. I'll record your purchases under the name 'Jung Wheein,'" the peddler said giving the bag to Wheein.

"Well, isn't Hwasa unnie lucky to have such a generous lover," Solar said poking Wheein with her elbow.

"W-we're going to be late for roll call. Come one, let's head back," Wheein said fluster. "It's our first roll call with the new mistress isn't it?"

"Yes, but I think it's going to be pretty routine. She'll glance over the maidens, do a headcount, and then choose a favorite," Solar said taking off her clothes and putting on a visible robe. The other maidens were already there changing, the bloomed flowers, and the young flowers.

"Shh. You better not say such things in front of the mistress," Wheein said.

"Don't worry, unnie. I'll watch myself in her presence."

"Here, let me fix up your ribbon," Wheein said looking at the ribbon that Yongsun tied to her robe. "You must look your best. Surely you want to make a good impression on the new mistress."

"This way girls," the woman said, and the maidens went to their destinations.

"How odd. Why is it that none of the numbers add up? Did you think I was nothing but a dumb, spoiled bitch from a well-off family who suddenly easily be fooled?" Byul said looking at the notebook. "Tsk. You could've at least made sure the sums were correct. Did you think I wouldn't notice?" said Byul glaring at the woman in front of her.

"M-my lady, if you would've allowed me to explain," but the woman was cut off at the notebook that was thrown at her by the mistress.

"Oh shush. If you ever steal anything from the garden again, I'll make you pay back everything you've taken and received until now. Next."

"The flower maidens are here for the roll call, my lady," the woman said. The bloomed flower came inside, and the young flowers (Not bloomed) came behind with their heads bow, while Byul just smirk.

a/n- who she smirk at?

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