Chapter 34

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"What is this elixir for? You're making something that can treat a slower maiden's blooming, aren't you? An elixir that can hinder or weaken full bloom or cure it altogether," said Byul, and Solar just looked at her worriedly.

"You've guessed correctly, milady. I'm going to use that elixir to stop flower maidens from blooming. No one else is taking the trouble to find a cure, so I shall make one with my own two hands. For myself! Is that such a crime?!"

"Sigh. You are a piece of work. Every right of a flower maiden belongs to the Moon family. do you honestly believe you can continue your experiments without my permission?" said Byul turning around and thought to herself. What I've always thought was impossible, might become a reality. Thanks to this girl. "If I allow you to complete this elixir, what shall you do for me in return?" asked Byul with a smirk on her face.

It was night now and Solar was with Wheein in her dorm.

"How far along is your bloom?" asked Solar.

"It's the sixth day, but the flowers have spread only up to my thighs."

"The elixir must be working, then!"

"It must be, and here I thought tomorrow would be my last day," said Wheein, and Solar grabbed her hand.

"I'll never let that last day arrive!" said Solar and Wheein just smile. Hmm, the mistress is being cooperative. She did say I need to hand this elixir over to the Moon family instead of the royals. Is she afraid she'll lose control over flower maidens if the elixir goes to the royals? Thought Solar. But if the elixir goes to the Moon family, then nothing will change for flower maidens. Oh, I don't know. For now, I should focus on Wheein unnie and myself. I'll worry about everything else later. Thought solar giving the medicine to Wheein when they heard a pop. "Drink this. I'll go see what's going on outside," said Solar heading to the door when she saw someone. "Unnie, come here! Quick!" yelled Solar from outside and Wheein saw fireworks, and sky lantern in the beautiful night sky. "Hwasa unnie must've prepared this just for you!"

"It's so... beautiful," Wheein said.

"Not as much as you," Wheein heard the voice and turn around to see her. "I missed you, Wheein," said Hwasa with a sky lantern in her hands.

"Hwasa unnie!" said a surprised Solar and Wheein stared to let her tears out running to her lover.

"Thank you, Solar. I'm indebted to you," said Hwasa hugging tightly to Wheein. "We should all make a wish."

"I'm going to make a wish on my own. Enjoy your reunion, lovebirds," said Solar heading her way.

"Then I guess we'll just have to make a wish by ourselves," said Hwasa lifting Wheein chin.

"I think my wish has already come true."

"So has mine," said Hwasa kissing Wheein like there's no tomorrow.

"Why am I crying. Humph, that mistress, she was being so difficult. Why act that way if she was going to say yes anyway?" said Solar when she saw a lantern in front of her.

"We should make a wish, too," said the person.

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