Chapter 58

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"Solar, calm down, and please lower your voice. The guards might hear and show up."

"YOU THINK I CAN CALM DOWN RIGHT NOW?! AFTER EVERYTHING YOU PUT ME THROUGH?! NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU'RE A FLOWER MAIDEN?!" yelled more Solar when Byul grabbed her by the waist and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Now it's a little quieter," said Byul separating from the kiss when Solar kick her on her shins.

"I don't think you have a grasp of the situation here," said Solar clenching her hand and Byul try to run but Solar went fast enough to throw her and punch her.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault," said Byul on her knees.

"AHEM! Keep your head down! So you're saying you treated me even worse because you were afraid of people finding out?" and Byul nodded. "What would you possibly be afraid of? Someone like you, with all the money, honor, and power that one could have"

"I was afraid of losing it all. I was too afraid to even try to talk. I'm not courageous like you."

"If you were so afraid, why are you telling me all this now? What if I tell everyone?"

"I didn't want you to resent me. I'm sorry about the way I treated you in the past. I never would've done so if I'd known this would happen."

"You mean if you'd known that you'd need my antidote?" ask Solar.

"No. If I'd known how much I'd come to love you. I love you, Solar."

"W- what... what are you talking about?!"

"Didn't you find it strange, how I suddenly started going along with whatever you said?"

"Don't try to wheedle out of this by saying things like that," said a flustered Solar.

"I'm not. I mean it," and Byul looked at her with a smile when she heard the guards and took Solar hand. "Shh! I think the guards are coming. Let's go."

"Search every nook and cranny of the secret garden! Don't distract by all the flowers and focus on the search! You are to alert me at once if you discover any BLUE HAIR!" said the guard and Byul got startled when she heard the last two words.

"Is the reason for Byul's refusal of servants for her dress and bath, really because she has a flower maiden in hiding? You know that we, of the Moon family, would allow nothing of the sort!" said aunt. "Then what do you make of this evidence?!"

"Please, calm down. It has been reported that on the night when Byul's exclusive coming-of-age ceremony incident occurred, someone who was with her at the time fled the scene in a rush and left this blue strand of hair behind," said Hwasa. "First, you will have to tell us what to make of this," said Hwasa showing the blue hair. 

"How could you feign innocence in light of such conclusive evidence?!" said one of the royalists.

"Conclusive? Conclusive you say? If that is what you claim, I invite you to search for the flower maiden that does not exist," said aunt. "I doubt that you would have any luck."

"They're finally gone," said Solar. Byul and she were still hiding from the guards and saw that they left the secret garden so now they are alone. "The strand of blue hair, they were talking about you, weren't they?"

"I expect so. And if they find the truth, I will fall prey to the ridicule of the noblewomen who only wish the worst for me, and if they don't find out, I intended to live a comfortable life in hiding, and wait until the full bloom when I would die in peace."

"And what if I reveled the truth to the public?" asked Solar.

"The contempt toward me that would have driven you to do so would bring me great sorrow. And I would become a kisaeng and spend my days awaiting my death."

"So you're telling me that you're just waiting for the day you'll die, worrying about whether people would ever find out the truth."

"My days are numbered as a flower maiden. I'd be relieved to die without being put to shame."

"But dying without ever doing anything is no different. That's not what I would've done. First of all, I wouldn't be in this situation, because I know that my experiments will be successful."

"But there was nothing that I could have done," said Byul.

"Even if that were the case, I could never just sit around and do nothing. I would've found a way."

"But what can I possibly do?"

"Are you serious? You made it seem like your family is capable of doing anything."

"If they find out the truth, it would be the end for both me and my family. What can I possibly do in this situation."

"You just do whatever you can, and hope that it'll make a difference. I couldn't just wait for a negative outcome that I know is impending. You've always been so confident with everything. It's strange to see you doubt yourself like this."

<<I always thought that you couldn't change your fate, but both princess Hyejin and Solar dream of a future different from one that they were fated to have. All I ever wanted was to wait for a peaceful death, but they do what they can to bring about change to the lives that they will live. They're right. To become happy, I have to do something. I can't wait around for others to bring change,>> said Byul to herself. "You're right. I'll try to change like you."

"Then first things first," said Solar trying to take Byul's clothes off.


"Take them off."

"Here, right now?!! We're in a public place!!"

"What are you?! That's not what I meant!" said Solar taking her hands off. "You have to change back into your usual clothes. You can't do anything hiding in clothes that aren't your own. And stop hiding behind Eun-Chul unnie. You've been passing on all the difficult and trivial things to her, haven't you? Stop running away."

The meeting with the royals was done and Eun-Chul went her way to her quarters and saw Byul with her clothes on.

"What are you doing in those clothes on?"

"I think I can take of this situation myself."

"How?" asked Chul closing the door.

"I'll make a deal with the princess."

"You think that's possible? When the royal family and the royalists are waiting for our downfall? You always say that you'll take care of it, but I know you don't mean it," said Chul adding her fake mole under her left eyebrow just like Byul.

"I do mean it. I'm not going to hide behind you and aunt anymore."

"Now, after all this time? It's too late for that, Byuli."

"It's not too late. There's still time," said Byul stopping Chul to grab her blue earrings but she snatches her hand away.

"No, Byul. Now there is only one thing left that you can do. Be erased for good."

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