Chapter 10

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It was a late night, and Byul and Eun-Chul were in the chambers talking and exchanging information about what happened.

"During the monthly bloom, Eun-Chul shall take Byul's place. 7 days should be enough to cover the span of each bloom. Always exchange detailed reports about your respective days," the aunt told them. "And carry yourselves as though you are of one soul, one mind, and one body, to prevent raising even the slightest suspicion."

(End of the flashback)

There are three types of accursed beings in this kingdom. Royalty born with hereditary disease, flower maiden like myself, and twins. Whose birth is said to lead to the downfall of a family, twins are the rarest of the three but are the most feared for no family or village is known to have survived their curse. Twins are considered to be a disgrace.

"A secret that must be kept at all cost. A lowly flower maiden is the last person they'd reveal their secret to, so God knows what they'll do with me. What in heavens have I gotten myself into? I mean to run away from the garden once I completed the antidote, but now I don't know if I can even get out of here in one piece," Solar said to herself. She was tied to a chair; she was already up from the hit she got but she kept her eyes close.

"Come, let us hurry," Byul said.

"Okay, don't panic. Focus! There must be a way out. It sounds like they're leaving, once they're gone, I'll open my eyes and give the place a good look. Three, two, one," Solar said opening her eyes, and Byul was in front of her.

"Awake?" said Byul and Solar got scared and almost fell when Byul grabbed the chair so she couldn't fell. "You just can't keep yourself out of trouble, can you?" said Byul. She rang the tiny bell and Eun-Chul came inside the hanok where Byul and Yongsun were.

"It was a ploy. They fooled me!"

"Shall we untie the girl?" Eun-Chul asked Byul.

"Of course not. She'll try to fight her way out. Did you already forget how she dragged me into the pond by the collar? So! There are matters we must settle, little one," Byul said leaning on her table while Solar was looking at her and Eun-Chul. "For your eyes have seen what they must not have seen."

"Seen? What do you mean? I-I didn't see anything. I only remember my eyes going dark before I... fainted?" Solar said defending herself.

"So, you're claiming you've no memory of what just happened?"

"I-I saw nothing! I swear! And even if I did, what is it to me? Why, I don't even know your noble name, miss."

"' Noble?' Did you just say 'noble?' Since when did you hold me in such high esteem?" Byul said laughing.

"Didn't work," Solar said to herself.

"I do appreciate your newfound courtesy, little one, but save that excuse for someone else, for you shall know of my 'honorable' name in due time," Byul said grabbing something inside her clothes.

"But miss, what difference would that make? My eyes cannot conjure what they've not seen."

"Sigh. Certainly, it would be easier for both of us if we left it at that, but you've yet to prove yourself worthy of my trust. How can I trust that my secret's safe with you? Hm?"

"I c-can't."

"I suggest we make a deal, little one. I heard you crept into the secret garden to look for this little trinket," Byul said showing the pendant to Solar. "What is it to you? It seems like something of great value to you, is it not?" Solar could only stare at the pendant not wanting to say anything. "No? then I might as well," Byul said moving the pendant about the candle.

"No!! Please! PLEASE DON'T! I BEG YOU! I'll do anything. Please give it back!"

"Anything, you say? Very well, little one. I'll be gracious this once and give you a chance to redeem your trinket. You may buy the trinket back from us, with a secret. Whether the secret belongs to you or another, I do not care, but it must be one as great as ours," said Byul. "Once you bring us the secret, we'll decide if it's worth the trade. What do you say," Byul asked Solar lifting her chin with her folding fan?


"Splendid! We have a deal then." Eun-Chul unites Solar and she just caressed her wrists. "Oh. One more thing. You may not know this yet, but I happen to be an important person. So, wherever you are in the Yellow Flower garden, my eyes shall be upon you, at all times!" Byul said opening her folded fan and Eun-Chul gave her a hand chop in her nape again.

"That should do."

"I do hope so."

"She's a peculiar girl."

"I reckon she'll find ways to fetch some juicy gossip from the aristocrats, or we could have her bring us the latest news circulating inside the garden," Byul told Eun-Chul.

"I don't think we've much to worry about, but we should keep an eye on her," said Eun-Chul while Byul looked at the sleeping girl.

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