Christmas Day (Part One)

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***Please Forgive any typos

"C'mon Michelle, Ms. Miriam is still sleep."

"What if we get caught though Preston?" Michelle asked.

I looked at Michelle and shook my head.

"You gotta believe that we won't get caught, and we won't. All we're gonna do is see if presents are under the twree." I told her.

"Then we're going to come back and wait for Ms. Miriam to wake up?"

Smiling, I shook my head up and down in agreement.

As we made our way out of the bedroom and across the hotel suite living room, the sight before us made our eyes widen.

"Oh my goodness!" I squealed.

"We've been so good that the entire toy store was wrapped up, and put under our tree." Michelle said.

"Let's see which gifts have our name on it." Preston stated.

"No! We saw the gifts, so now we go back and wait for Ms.-"

"I no wait for Ms. Miriam; I want to see which gifts have my name on them."  I said.

"Let's go back to bed!" Michelle demanded.

"Just look with me Michelle, please." I pouted.

"No! Let's go."

Michelle don't know that even though I'm five, I can think for myself.  My mommy always told me to never let someone misguide me. I wasn't going to open up any gifts, but I just wanted to see which gifts had my name on it.

"Bye swary cat; I'm going to look." I said.

"Go ahead and get in trouble by yourself." Michelle walked away.

Standing there a bit nervous, I was second guessing myself. It was so quiet now that I was alone, but I had to see how many gifts my name were on. Going toward the tree, it looked so big, but the presents were big too.

I put my fear aside, and started going through the gifts.

"Oooh, this is for mommy." I said, looking at a box wrapped with a pretty silk bow.

"This one is for Michelle. I should hide it since she didn't look with me." I snickered at the thought.

Then I saw something that caught my eye. It was a long box that was wrapped in a shiny green wrapping paper. In black, I saw what I was looking for...To: Preston.

I wanted to open! I'd probably get in trouble  but it would be worth it.  Then I thought to myself.

"Who wants to get in trouble on Christmas morning?"

Standing there confused, I decided to get help from  someone who couldn't get in trouble. That way, I wouldn't get in trouble either.

Walking toward mommy and Mr. P.'s room, I softly knocked on the door and waited. When nobody came, I turned the knob to see if it was wasn't.

"Yes!"  I smiled.

Walking in quietly, the living room in their suite was very dark. I was about to turn around, but I saw a glow coming from around a corner. I remembered how to go from the living room to the bedroom, and when I turned the corner, I saw a bunch of candles that were lit.

"Maybe mommy and Mr. P. lights are broke." I thought.

Walking toward the bed, I was confused at what I saw.

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