You and I

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Even though I had the most intimidating look on my face, Jeanette didn't seem at all phased. Still standing in her foyer, she turned around and smashed her luscious lips against mine.

" dessert tastes so much better on your lips than it did on my palette."  Jeanette seductively said.

As soon as those words left her mouth, my arms immediately wrapped around her waist as she pecked my lips.  The effect she had on me was making my mind spin.  With just one kiss she had melted my icy stance.  Once I realized what was going on, I cleared my throat to regain control.

"Are you going to tell me about this morning or not?  Please don't use your seductive techniques to avoid my question."

"So ask me questions with less tension and I'll always answer...I swear.  Now give me another kiss...."  She sweetly said with a sex laced tone.

"No. We need to talk."  I sternly said as I slightly turned my head to avoid her lips.

Jeanette's smile faded at my stern demeanor. As her beautiful orbs quizzically looked into mine, I quickly noticed her irises revealed a color change.  Unwrapping my arms from around her waist, she held both of my hands, and raised them to her lips kissing the back of them.

"I need to tuck Preston in and tidy-up the kitchen; then we can talk."  She calmly said as she walked away toward  the staircase.

At that moment, I could tell that she didn't like any type of rejection.  She tried to play it off, but her energy was very telling; I had slightly hurt her feelings.

"I hope you didn't take me telling you 'no' the wrong way."  I said following her.

"There's only one way to take a 'no'. Just relax while I go and attend to Preston."  She winked with a genuine smile.

As I watched her hips sway up the stairwell, all I could do was sigh.  The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt her feelings and have her look at me differently.  I know that I have my ways, but I wasn't use to a woman treating or handling me the way Jeanette did.

I became almost like putty around her and not only did she know it, she seemed to revel in it. This was new territory for me. It was almost as if she was handling me how I had at times handled many ex-lovers; unpredictably.  Needless to say, I didn't like it and we needed to have a talk about it.

Communication or a lack thereof, has ruined not only both of my marriages, but many past relationships that I've had.  I refuse to have that happen to us.  This was the first time that I wanted, and was looking forward to being more openly transparent with someone. 

Our previous love making session had given me a newfound freedom.  The way I was able to speak so freely with her during, in between and after our beautiful tryst left me totally spent.

There was nothing I wouldn't do for her, and unlike previous relationships, there was no part of me that I wasn't willing to share with her. 

Which is why her not telling me about Kirk coming by her house this morning hit me like a tidal wave.  It made me wonder if maybe I did something to make her feel as if she couldn't talk with, or be open with me.  Whatever it was, I wasn't about to allow communication barriers to get out of control with us.

As I sat on the couch to make myself comfortable, I smiled as I heard faint giggles from Preston.  His laugh made me suddenly remember that I also needed to speak with Jeanette about us never spending another night apart. 

I wanted us to figure this out and quickly because after last night, I refuse to ever sleep without her again.  Waking up to her this morning was like some sort of rebirth for me. 

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