The Recital: Part One (These Fucking Doctors)

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"Mmmm...." I stirred in my sleep as I felt a tingling sensation go down my spine. I didn't know what was feeling so good, but then I heard his smooth baritone in my ear.

"Wake up beautiful."

As I turned around to wrap my body around his, instead of feeling his bare skin, I felt....

"Why are you dressed?" I lowly asked as I snuggled my nose in the crevices of his neck.

Giggling as I tried to take his shirt off, he answered. "I have to get going mama; I have a doctor's appointment, remember?"

"Right now...what time is it?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

"It's only 8:30, but—"

"8:30?!" I jumped up. "Shit! Preston should be in school by now...I can't believe this....where in the hell is my robe?" I panicked.

"Calm down, I—"

"Calm down? I have to cook my baby breakfast and you have to stay put!..." I said putting on my robe. "...I'll bring you some breakfast, but I have to get Pres—"

"Jeanette calm down!" Prince cut me off. "I was about to tell you that Miriam came by this morning and she already fed Preston and took him to school."

"Say what?"

Prince just chuckled. "I said that Miriam came by this morning and—"

"I heard you baby, but I just don't understand why she came by; she wasn't supposed to come by until later this evening."

Lowering his gaze, Prince made a confession. "Truth be told, I called Celeste for Miriam's number and asked her to come by.  After last night, I thought you needed to get as much rest as possible. So I called Miriam to come by this morning and she was more than happy to."

I was silent and so was he.  I didn't know if I should be mad or not but I decided to ask him what was really on my mind.

"Did Preston see you?" I asked.

His silence was my answer.

"Really Prince?! Oh my God, do you know what my son is probably thinking about me? The recital is tonight and his mind needs to be clear in order for him to perform at his best....I can't even imagine the questions he's going to have....maybe I should pick him up from school a little early to explain."  I rambled as I walked into the bathroom tying my robe.

Following right behind me, Prince just stood in the bathroom doorway as I began to brush my teeth.

"Preston actually thinks that I should move in."  Prince loudly whispered.

I damn near choked on the toothpaste in my mouth. "Excuse me?! I know damn well—"

"Tsk, cursing and no talking while brushing." He smirked.

"Prince, Prince, Prince....." I chimed pinching the bridge of my nose.

The last thing I wanted to do was say the wrong thing to him, but I'm starting to think that he likes it when I curse him out.

"May I explain?" He asked as I was getting my thoughts together.

"I think you better." I snapped.

"After you fell asleep on me, I got thirsty and went downstairs to get something to drink.  Please don't tell him that I told you this, but he was already up and caught me in the kitchen looking for the microwave."

"Why would you be looking for a microwave if you're thirsty? Did you want to heat up some milk?" I  sassed.

He walked over and kissed me.  "Simmer down mama and just hear me out."

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