Non-Disclosures and Trust Issues

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"C'mon P, you know that I can watch my daughter and be on duty."  Kirk stated.

"I know you can, but I want Gerard to step up on this trip.  Besides, it gives you a chance to relax and spend some quality time with your little girl as well."  I said.

As I was explaining the slight change in the security details to both Kirk and Gerard, Kirk was looking at me with uncertainty.

"Are you sure you want Gerard on lead?  I mean, I don't think he's prepared for that."  Kirk stated.

"I am very well prepared."  Gerard defended himself.

"You don't understand how crazy this can possibly get.  This is New York City during the holiday season, and even though New Yorkers don't get too freaked out about seeing celebrities, Prince's presence can cause chaos.  Are you prepared for that?"  Kirk asked Gerard.

"More than you know, because the idea is to prevent any chaos.  I use to teach a security certification class in New York so I already know most of the security and doormen around the city.  I still have great relationships with my contacts, so I can guarantee easy and undisturbed access to and from the listed places that'll be visited."  Gerard assured as he looked over the itinerary.

"It's not that simple, but okay.  However, what about Rio P.? My daughter won't be with me then, being that she will be flying back with Jeanette's nanny. So I can clearly take lead then, right?"  Kirk looked at me.

"We will have additional security in Rio, so both you and Gerard will be able to relax a little." I said.

"Additional security? Who...and when will we meet them? I don't really like these last minute changes."  Kirk complained.

"The additional security were hired on behalf of Jeanette's Godfather. They will meet us as soon as we land in Rio and they will give the two of you a detailed plan of how to operate based on the itinerary that they were given."

"So you're going to let guys you don't even know, guard you?  Extra security in a place like Rio makes no sense." Kirk snapped.

Gerard cleared his throat.

"It actually makes plenty of sense to me. Based on this itinerary it seems as if we'll be spending less time in touristy places and more time in areas with the locals. Being that neither one of us speak Portuguese, having security guys who speak the local language is smart.

Besides, getting to know other bodyguards from different countries, is a good way for us to network Kirk.  That way if we ever have to go back to do security there for a concert or something, we'll have local insider contacts."  Gerard enthusiastically commented.

I looked at Gerard and pleasantly smirked.   Hakeem's little suggestion let me see just how lax my security was under Kirk's supervision.  I couldn't believe that I never saw it earlier.  Gerard however was doing his job, and he was serious about it.  Unlike Kirk, he wasn't uneasy about having the extra security.  Gerard was looking at the logical aspect of it all and that impressed me. 

"You should tear a page out of Gerard's security book, because he seems to be a bit more enthused about his chosen occupation. Have you even looked at the full itinerary?" I questioned.

"None of that matters. You're an international star who will draw attention, and that attention can put everyone in danger if the wrong fan acts crazy. That's what I'm concerned about.   Gerard is a bit new to this but I am not, and let's not forget that Jeanette is new to this as well."  Kirk stated.

Gerard looked like he wanted to say something, but put his head down.  I however, wanted to know what was on his mind.

"Gerard do you have something to say?"

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