Aching Feet

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"Why are you sitting down, it's time to go."  I said to Prince.

"I'm waiting to speak to Todd. I want to--"

"Mommy, mommy!..."  Preston came running into our room.

"Preston calm down.  What's wrong?"  I worryingly asked, kneeling to his eye level.

"We forgot to give Mr. P. his present."  Preston whispered.

Prince brows furrowed at Preston whispering in my ear.  Then I gave Prince a smile.

"You're right, we did forget to give Mr. P. his present.  Go lock the door."  I said to Preston.

Prince was slightly blushing, then he whispered.

"You didn't have to get me anything else."

"It was Preston's idea, so go with it."  I said.

Quickly walking up to Prince, Preston had the biggest smile on his face.

"I hope you like it."  He said.

Digging in the side compartment of my suitcase, I pulled out a beautifully wrapped box.

"You hand it to him."  I smiled, as I gave the box to Preston.

"This is from us; well it's really from me since I thought of it, mommy just paid for it."  Preston said.

Prince laughed.

"The thought is always worth more than the price."  Prince winked at me.

All I could do was shake my head at their banter. Tearing away the gift wrapper, he wiggled his eyebrows at the red box. Then, as Prince opened the box, the broadest smile came across his face.

"Wow...this is a really nice bracelet, and heavy too.  Thank you."  He hugged Preston, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

The bracelet was the Cartier love bracelet, but Preston had customized it a bit by putting gems on the top half of the bracelet.

"It's  our birthstones. Mommy told me that you're a June baby too. Since me and you have the same birthstone, I  chose both the alexandrite and the pearl; they both are for the month of June.  The pearl is me and the alexandrite is you.  Like you, it's very special and rare." Preston sweetly  explained.

"I love that."  Prince smiled, as his eyes slightly misted.

"The one teeny-tiny pink stone is for mommy; I didn't want to add it, but I didn't want leave her out."  Preston sarcastically said, thinking I couldn't hear him.

I playfully rolled my eyes as Prince gave him a high five.

Oh, and I wrote the insiption all by myself."  Preston proudly said.

"Inscription", I corrected him.

"Yeah, the insip...inscrup; you know, what they write on the inside."  Preston said with a hint of frustration.

"Welcome to our village.  Love Always, Preston (Your #1 Student)", Prince read aloud.

"I am going to treasure this.  Thank you buddy."

"You're welcome Mr. P.." Preston grinned.

"Now go put on your jacket and get ready.  We're going to be leaving soon."  I said to Preston.

"Can I wear my pajamas?" He asked.

"No.  Even though it's an overnight flight, you are still wearing nice but  comfortable clothes.  Never get on an airplane looking like a slouch,  even if it's a private one.  Always remember...look appropriate and  classy, okay?"  I kissed his cheek.

Beautiful, Loved and BlessedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon