Early Mornings

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Slowly opening my eyes as I laid on my back, my chest felt heavy and a little wet.  Looking up at my mirrored ceiling, I finally realized why; Prince was literally sleeping with my nipple loosely in his mouth and completely knocked out. He was slightly on top of me with our legs intertwined and his arm wrapped securely around my waist.  Looking at our reflections, I internally chuckled when I noticed the pearls that was in my mouth hours earlier, were now dangling around his neck.

I had no clue as to how we ended up like this. After I finally mastered how to 'hold it', the last thing I remember was me trying to teach Prince how to prolong his ejaculations through my Kegel technique, but he damn near passed out after failing twice.  He wanted me to make him another cup of tea, but I refused to do so because his breathing seemed shaky.

So not to be out done, he decided to properly show me how to use my ribbed glass dildo to reach that sweet spot that I so graved for.  Lovingly caressing my body and whispering exotic rhetoric in my ear while I followed his instructions, I made myself climax twice.  This lead me to begging him to make even more love to me.  Even though he stated that he could go all night, after half a round he literally fell asleep after telling me to give him a minute.  Yet, I still have no recollection of how we got into our current position. 

The tiny clock on my nightstand read 4:52 a.m. and even though I didn't want to get out of bed, I had to.  After slowly slipping my nipple out of his half opened mouth and gently getting out of his grasp, I decided to make breakfast for Preston and get him off to school before waking up a knocked out Prince.  Taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth, I put lotion on my skin, secured my robe and made my way to the kitchen.

After making Preston some French toast, eggs, fruit and some orange juice, I put the food on the warmer and went to Preston's room to wake him up.  It was already 6:15am and I wanted to get him up and out before Prince started to stir.

Entering Preston's room, I smiled when I saw him snuggled up to his guitar.  I guess Prince knew something that I didn't because Preston was not trying to let it go as I removed it from the bed.

"Good morning my little genius."  I whispered in Preston's ear as he stirred in his sleep.  "It's time to wake up and do great things."  I continued in his ear.

Turning over pulling the covers over his head, he mumbled.  "Can I do breat things in my sleep?"  Preston asked.

"Noooo....you can only do great things once you get out of this bed!"  I said as I began to tickle him, until he came from underneath the covers laughing hysterically.

Pulling the covers down, his face was a little red and he was now fully awake.  "How was your dibner date... where did you and Mr. P. go....can I go next time?"  He energetically asked while getting out of the bed.

Not even wanting him to get started, I went into strict Mommy mode because his questions quickly brought me back to the fact that my 'dinner date' was still here. 

"It was really nice, but now is not the time to talk about it.  Let's get you washed up, fed and off to school, okay?"  I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Otay."  He grumpily said.

After helping Preston wash-up, brush his teeth and get dressed, I told him to head off to the kitchen for breakfast.  While he made his way downstairs, I decided to knock on Miriam's door.

"Come in."  Miriam said.

Entering her room, she was already up and fixing her hair.  "Bonjour!"  I joyously said.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle!  How was your date last night?"  Miriam asked.

"Wonderful and thanks for asking.  Listen, I know that you haven't formally moved in yet so I greatly appreciate you staying over last night.  Also, you can have the day off. I will take Preston to school myself."  I informed her.

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