Introducing To The Stage...

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As Prince and I made our way backstage, I could feel the energy of anxiousness.

"Is this what it's like before a show?"  I asked.

"It actually is Celeste.  Especially when you can feel that the crowd is ready for the show to start.  It's exciting isn't it?"

"Yes it is.  I can't wait to see how well these children will do."

"Celeste, I may need you to stay backstage with me to assist.  Principal Mueller stated that I may have to do some coddling and you know that's not my thing."

"And it certainly isn't mine!  I am the secretary remember?"

"To remain being the secretary, I'm going to need your help."

"I wanted to enjoy the show.  Have Gerard help you."  I whined as I pointed to Gerard.

"I'm here to make sure that no unauthorized patrons come backstage."  Gerard reminded us.

"C'mon Celeste, I'm beyond stressed right now and it's not like you need to be up front.  Plus you're getting two paid weeks off while I'm on holiday vacation."

"I better be getting a nice holiday bonus to go with that too."  I raised my brow.

Prince looked at me and shook his head.  "Fine!"

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As Celeste went to gather the first group of children, I peeked out into the audience.

The attire these mothers were wearing was a sight to behold.  I never knew that deep, see-through V-necks and short skirts were winter gear, especially for mothers.  What I immediately noticed however, was that the seat I reserved for Jeanette was empty. 

"Gerard, why is the reserved seat empty?"

Clearing his throat, Gerard stuttered.  "Um, well Ms. Devareaux stated that she preferred to remain where she was."

"And where is she exactly?"  I asked as my eyes began searching.

"Third row, aisle seat."

As I scanned the audience, I saw that she was in fact sitting in the third row looking as beautiful as ever, but something about her was different. 

Her long, luscious hair was in flowing loose curls, and the deep golden highlights complemented her light honey complexion.  Those beautiful eyes of hers however, weren't as bluish or sparkly as they were this morning when I kissed her good-bye.  They now had a slight dullness to them, and it pulled at my heart strings knowing that I was most likely the cause of that. 

"Did you tell her that I reserved that seat for her?"  I asked Gerard.

"Yes I did."

"And what did she say?"

"That she was fine where she was at."

Looking at Gerard, I spoke in a stern tone.

"Did you insist?"

"Yes I did."

"What did she say after you insisted?"

"She was adamant about remaining in her chosen seat."  Gerard hesitantly stated.

Turning to face Gerard, I intimidatingly asked him again.

"What exactly did she say?"

Gerard then cleared his throat and leaned down to whisper in my ear. 

"She said that you can kiss both sides of her sweet caramel ass on your way to hell, sir."  He shamefully stated.

Taking a step back, I looked at Gerard again.

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