The Recital: Part Two (Pride Comes Before The Fall)

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"Trust me Celeste, he's losing it!" Kirk whispered.

"Are you sure it has to do with the doctor's visit?"  I asked.

"I know it does. When I picked him up this morning, he was as chipper as a jaybird. After we left the doctor's office, his mood did a complete 180. Not only did he get an attitude with you, he had one with me too.  I'm telling you, that little motherfucker unraveled right in front of me.  He was mad as hell about that doctor prescribing him a one refill prescription."  Kirk confessed.

"Prescription...I thought he wasn't having any more pain?"  I surprisingly asked.

"I think it comes and goes, but maybe not. I mean, if that doctor doesn't want to write him anymore prescriptions, I know one who will."   Kirk slickly stated.

"You sound like an ass! Let me go and see what's going on with this boy." I said as I got up from my chair to make my way to Prince private quarters.

I had pulled Kirk aside to ask him what in the world was going on with Prince because when he returned to Paisley, he marched in here like a raging tornado. I'd never seen him like that before and the only person who had was Ray, who warned me to stay at my desk and act busy, and I'm so glad that I did.

When Prince saw that the workers hadn't finished the stage, he went off! I didn't even know he could shout so loud. Once that fiasco was over and the stage was finished, he ate his lunch and went upstairs; that was two hours ago.

As I made my way to Prince's bedroom, I heard his voice coming from behind his office door as I passed it.

"I need the information by the end of tonight; tomorrow morning the latest.  I leave for vacation tomorrow afternoon and it's important for me to get it before then." Prince hung up.


"I don't want to be bothered!" Prince barked.

I gently opened his office door, "I'm having a crisis." I softly said.

Skeptically looking at me with a scowl, his face soften just a little.  "Come in."

As I walked in his office, I took a good look at his face.  Prince was masterful at hiding his emotions, so being that I could clearly see that something was wrong, I knew that whatever was going on with him had to be serious.

"Are you going to just look at me or tell me about this crisis of yours?" He smartly asked.

I took a deep breath.  I didn't want to say the wrong thing because based on his attitude I wasn't too sure if I would leave this office with my job still intact, but I cared too much about him to not say anything.

So I cleared my throat.  "I have this friend—"

"Oh hell no!  You said you were having a crisis, not a friend. I don't have time to be advising strangers, so please close the door on your way out!" He snapped.

"Prince if you get out of line with me one more time, I'm going to put your personal number on my Facebook page."  I threatened.

Biting the inside of his cheek, he gave me a horrid glare. "Who's this friend?"

"You...and I want to know what is going on. I have never seen you like this."

"Celeste, I don't want to talk about it!" Prince angrily got up and stormed towards his office door and opened it. "Now either get back to work or go home and never come back!" He coldly said.

This was the first time he had ever treated me this way. I had seen many folks on the wrong side of Prince's wrath and I never thought I would be one of them.  Our bond was one that I cherished, and I refused to yell back at him because I knew THIS was not the Prince I'd grown to know and love as a brother and friend.

Beautiful, Loved and BlessedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ