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"I know that this is last minute but I really need you to cover for me, because I have to meet Preston's music teacher. He is on my ass! If I don't meet him, he's going to tell Ms. Agnes that Preston can't be in his class. And that I haven't followed these guidelines that are in place in order for him to teach this first grade music class."

I was currently on the phone with Tammy at 4:00am the next morning asking her to deliver a baby in my absence. Mrs. Lux, a patient of mine called me around 2:00am and told me she was having contractions. After calling Miriam to come over to my house due to the fact she hadn't moved in yet, I went over to check on Mrs. Lux and her contractions were about 30-40 minutes apart. Which meant that she was only in the early stage of labor and could give birth in another 8-12 hours. The only problem with that is that I would most likely be sitting with Mr. Nelson while my patient was having a baby. So I called Tammy.

"Are you serious? Who's teaching this class, Mozart?" Tammy said laughing. This is something she did when she was beyond nervous.

I just chuckled and said, "Something like that, but this man is a stickler for rules and you know how rebellious I can be. But after almost getting a good ole fashion ass whooping by Principal Mueller, I am not trying to piss off her favorite teacher of all time. Do you know a few weeks ago she came to my house, asked to stay for dinner and then scolded me for desert about pulling Preston out of his class?! I couldn't believe it, but I remained respectful because I love that woman too much."

"Being that you're her favorite parent of all time, that was very mature of you."

"Don't be sarcastic. I am not her favorite parent!"

"Jeanette stop lying to yourself. Do you know how long that waiting list is for the Ascension School? Some parents tour the school before the child has even come out of the womb. Yet your son was accepted before you even filled out the application. Why do you think that is?"

I wanted to confess to Tammy that I knew exactly why that was but I decided against it.

"I don't know Tammy but I do know that I shouldn't be stressed out about a first grader teacher! You would think I didn't pay taxes and Principal Mueller is the lead investigator with the IRS. I'm going crazy following all of these stipulations and because of the love and respect I have for her, I can't even voice my frustrations the way I want to."

"And with your feisty attitude that is probably a good thing."

"You think my attitude is feisty?"

"Uh, Yes I do!"

"Really? I know that I can be direct but I make it a point to be respectful and not rude."

"Maybe feisty is the wrong word. Let me just say you can be very stern, but that doesn't work well with everyone. Sometimes you can be too direct and matter-of-factly when speaking to people. And it comes off as feisty because you're so young."

"Oh, but if I was older, it would be okay? See...that doesn't make sense to me."

"Let me put it to you like this. When a child says something factual in a rude manner, people think it's cute because it's coming out of a child's mouth. But if an adult said the same thing, it would be considered offensive."

"It still doesn't make sense, but whatever you say. All I know is that if you're not direct with people they will try to take advantage of you and you have to demand respect from people. I treat everyone the way I want to be treated and if I even feel as though a person is being disrespectful toward me, I let them know immediately. I've never been the type of person that's going to go-along-just-to-get-along! Life experiences and my Maw-Maw taught me well."

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