Turning Tables

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As I was left standing at the reception area, I heard Celeste voice in a distance.


"Celeste could you quiet down?"

"Did I just witness this girl leaving you in a daze?!"

I didn't even answer Celeste, but as I walked toward the kitchen to get a glass of water she was right on my heels still talking in her teasing tone.

"Lawd, you ain't even trying to deny it. You know what? I can't wait to wear my fur tomorrow and you better not utter one word to me about slaughtered animals either! I can't believe you didn't even bat an eye at her fur, but you almost fired me over mine." She said laughing.

"Honestly Celeste, I was not about to tell that beautiful, intelligent, fine ass woman that she should not be wearing fur. She probably would've told me why I should be wearing one. Plus when you look that good, you can wear whatever you want."

"You two were looking real cozy when I came in this kitchen. It looked as if you had your nose all in the crevices of her neck." Celeste said while fixing herself another plate of fruit.

"I did and I'm still trying to figure out if she was wearing perfume or if that is her natural scent. She smelled totaling intoxicating." I said lost in my own thoughts.

Widening her eyes, Celeste spoke up "Prince?! Do you hear yourself? You're talking about the parent of one of your students...remember?"

I thought to myself 'I'm gonna make that Mama mine'. I saw the look on Celeste face and it wasn't until she threw a grape at me that I realized I had said that thought out loud.

"Boy did your mind drive off in the car with her?!"

"No it didn't."

"It must have for you to say something like that. What's really got you over there acting like a lost kid in a candy store?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I really didn't know what to tell Celeste, but I needed advice. I wanted Ms. Devareaux but I didn't want to be an old fool getting caught up by a young beauty. I had played that role too many times and for the first time I wanted to play by the rules. I didn't want another two to five year rendezvous; I wanted something concrete. Maybe Celeste had some wisdom I could lean on, but I was reluctant on telling my secretary my hearts desires. Especially one who already knew of my previous love affairs, but I want to do things differently this time around.

In the most humble tone, I asked, "Celeste, I know that you signed a confidentiality agreement, but may I confide in you as a friend; understanding that what I'm about to discuss with you will never be repeated?"

"No, but you can confide in me as someone who cares about and love you as if you were my own son. Knowing that I'll take anything you tell me to my grave if you ask me to." Celeste said with a gentle smile while speaking in the most endearing tone I had ever heard from her.

I took a leap of faith and asked, "Do you think I'm being an old fool by being interested in a woman as young as Ms. Devareaux?"

"First of all you're not old and what do you mean a woman as young as Ms. Devareaux? How young is she?"

"She just turned 20."

Beginning to almost choke on her fruit-filled mouth, Celeste spoke "Twenty?! I know you are lying...that girl is only 20 years old?!"

"Could you be any louder?"

"Could she be any younger?"

I just lowered my head because Celeste had basically answered my question.

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