Courtship (Part Two)

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"The fruit was delicious sir, especially the Mangos, but where in heaven did you find fresh Moroccan dates in Minnesota during the month of December?"  I kindly asked the chef as he was clearing the table of Prince and my empty fruit bowls.

"Please call me Ray.  There's a nice Middle Eastern food merchant located at the Midtown Global Market and he has the freshest dates year round.  I could give you his information if you'd like?"

As I opened my mouth to respond, Prince interjected "No need Ray.  Just be sure we keep fresh dates on hand from now on being that Ms. Devareaux will be around a little more often."

"No problem is there a particular type that you like?" 

"I like the Medjool you just served as well as Empress dates."

"I believe the merchant keeps both in stock ma'am and it will be my pleasure to keep those on hand."

Surprised at his eagerness to please, I could only generously smile.  "Thank you very much, I truly appreciate it."

I noticed that Prince gave his chef a look with a slight smile.  "Thanks Ray, that will be all for now."

"Certainly Sir." Ray replied, leaving us in the dining room alone.

A timid looking Prince looked nervously at me, so I just started laughing and then he joined.

"I can't believe you had that man run all over town to appease you. Those juicy Mangos came from Lunds.  I know because that's where I get my Mangos from, but to know that he had to make a break to the Global Market for dates is funny and unbelievable at the same time.  I'm ashamed to be laughing.  It doesn't bother you working your employees like that?"

"Not with what I pay them.  Plus there are plenty of perks being an employee here; however, what I want to know is what's your infatuation with dates?  I noticed you ate plenty when you were here the last time."

"My father was East African and back in New Orleans we actually had a Date palm tree in our backyard. But every Friday evening, my Dad and I would have tea and dates.  So it's sort of like a feel good food for me; reminding me of the good times."  I finished with a slight solemn smile.

"Do you miss New Orleans?"

"I miss the New Orleans of my childhood, but post Katrina New Orleans is not the same.  Have you ever been?"

Looking and seeming totally sophisticated, Prince took a sip of tea before answering.  "Yes and it's actually one of my favorite American cities."

"You sound so posh!"  I said to Prince.

As we both laughed, a little tea spilt from the corners of his mouth and as he quickly dabbled away, he made a sweet confession, "I don't know what it is about you, but your sense of humor is very infectious. I like it."

"Do you like me too or just my sense of humor?" I replied slyly.

"You know the answer to that. I Iike you very much and I'm glad that you're allowing me to court you.  But let me ask you this and please don't get offended.  Why did it take you three days to give me an answer to courting you, but less than five minutes to give me an answer about being in Preston's life?"

"Would you have rather I made you wait another three days to answer that as well?"  Noticing he was about to seriously answer, I chuckled and said, "I'm kidding, but seriously it has to do with my upbringing and things I learned from my great-grandmother."

"How so?"

"It's kind of heavy, so maybe we should save that conversation for another time."  I said hoping he would drop it; however, he wasn't about to let that happen.

Beautiful, Loved and BlessedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora