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***I know this update is long overdue.  Hopefully, this chapter will help you to forgive me for making you guys wait.💫

As we sat down for our in-Suite dinner, I was taken back at the magnitude of it all.  The table was set to perfection, there was a holiday smell in the air, and the smile on everyone's face was a beautiful sight to behold.  I hadn't been a part of a genuine holiday gathering like this in years. 

When Preston stated that he wanted to sit between Jeanette and I, Michelle vowed to sit next to Jeanette as well.  Like a pro, Jeanette decided to sit in the middle of them, with Preston sitting closest to me.  I noticed that Michelle was craving for Jeanette's attention more than Preston per se, but Jeanette equally doted on them both.

"Can you do my hair like yours?"  Michelle asked Jeanette. 

Jeanette's beautiful thick hair was in an half up-half down look, and Michelle was admiring it from the moment we all sat down. 

As Michelle waited, I noticed Jeanette hesitated on giving her an answer.  Looking at Kirk, she shyly smiled. 

"Only if, your Daddy says that it's okay." Jeanette respectful answered.

"It's fine with me.  As you can see, my hair skills are slacking." Kirk jokingly commented.

"Yesss!" Michelle clapped.

"Don't get too happy.  Even though I'm giving you the same style, I'm going to braid it so it'll be more age appropriate for you."  Jeanette pleasantly said.

"Will it still be pretty?" Michelle asked.

"Of course, probably prettier than mine."  She playfully tickled Michelle.

Michelle laughed, as her eyes twinkled while looking at Jeanette's beautiful face.

"Is that your real eye color, or are you wearing contacts?"  Michelle asked.

"What's contacts?"  Preston asked.                                                                                                        

"It's what people wear when they don't want to wear glasses, or when they want to change their eye color." Michelle kindly informed him.

I noticed that after that limo fiasco, Michelle was treating Preston much differently.  She was acting as if she was his big sister, explaining and correcting him with patience and understanding.  In other words, she was staying on Jeanette's good side.

"Mommy eyes changes colors on it's own. She don't need contacts." Preston innocently stated.

"People eyes don't change colors. Your mom probably don't want you to know her beauty secrets."  Michelle whispered, while leaning over Jeanette.

"You know I can hear you, right?"  Jeanette whispered as well.

We all laughed when Michelle eyes widen.  Looking a bit embarrassed, she smiled at Jeanette.

" have contacts, right?"  Michelle asked, in a teasing manner.

"No, I don't.  This is my natural, God-given eye color."  Jeanette smiled.

"Seeeee...." Preston playfully blinked at Michelle, to show off his own blue-greenish eyes.

"So how do they change colors?" Michelle defiantly asked.

Michelle's tone let us know that she didn't believe that Jeanette's bluish orbs were natural.  It was funny to say the least.

"It's a lot of science behind it, but they mostly change colors based on my mood.  Sometimes they change colors under different lighting, so it depends." Jeanette said.

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