Wisdom is Key

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****This chapter is the longest one yet, so get those snacks ready!💋

As I sat in the school parking lot waiting for Preston, my nerves were getting the best of me. I didn't know how in the hell I was going to tell Prince about the things that Kirk said. I had put myself in a doozy by calling Uncle Hakeem because now I was on a timeline. I called for advice and ended up getting an ultimatum. The things that Uncle Hakeem said made perfect sense and he was right, I had to tell Prince everything.

Telling him about Kirk was one thing, but I was really nervous about telling him of my lineage. Not only does it sounds so farfetched, but he'll probably ask even more questions than I'm willing to answer.

As I sat in the car trying to write down all of the things I wanted to say to him, I jumped as someone knocked on my window.

"You were looking for me?!"

"Oh my God Principal Mueller, you almost scared me to death!" I gasp as I rolled down the window.

Laughing at me, she said "Open up that car door and let me sit inside and get warm while I wait with you."

Walking around to the passenger side she opened up the car door, got in and relaxed.

"What are you doing out here, shouldn't you be ringing the bell and escorting the children to the parking lot waiting area?" I asked.

"Honey, I had a long day today. I'm letting the Vice Principal do some work now. Besides, it's 30 minutes until dismissal and when I saw you sitting out here, I got worried." She said.

Looking at her with a smirk, I asked "How did you know it was me? You've never seen me in this car before."

"I've never seen this car in my school parking lot period....which is why I ran the tag number!" She sassily stated.

I fell out laughing. "Ms. Agnes I thought you was a school principal, I didn't know you were the police too?!"

"I am everything I need to be in order to protect my babies. You know these students are the children I never had, so I take all precautions. I got me a little machine right in my office that Sgt. Loring gave me and I use it when necessary." She informed me.

"Can you get me one?" I lightheartedly asked.

Ms. Agnes looked at me and sucked her teeth. "Girl as hot tempered as you get, I don't think so." She chuckled, then continued. "But what are you doing sitting out here, and why were you looking for me this morning?"

"I gave Miriam the day off and I wanted to ask you something this morning, but I got my answer already." I said with a smile.

Ms. Agnes looked at me a little curiously. "And what was it about; does it has to do with these notes you're writing?"

Taking a deep breath, I decided to answer her. "It had to do with one of Prince's employees who doesn't seem to like me."

"Please tell me that you haven't ticked off his secretary?" She emphatically stated.

"No ma'am, not at all. Ms. Celeste and I get along very well, but his employee Kirk and I do not!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Ms. Agnes looked at me and started laughing. It was as if she knew something I didn't.

"What's so funny?" I curiously asked.

With her laughter subsiding, she chuckled as she exhaled.

"I'm laughing because I guess the rumors are true. For years, I've heard about how mean Kirk is and how none of Prince's muses like him." She said.

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