The Next Level

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Looking at me with a slight smirk on his face, Prince chuckled.

"Why are you looking at me as if I've asked you to kill someone?"  He joked taking another sip of wine.

Little did he know, that's exactly what he did; asking me to move in with him would be killing someone...ME!

Little did Prince know, but I've actually been on my own since I was 15 years old and I was very set in my ways. 

In addition to that, the extent of my services as a midwife and healer required that patients sometimes stayed with me, like Ms. Agnes did at one time. Living with him would make that merely impossible.

On the other hand if Preston was my heartbeat, then in such a short period of time, Prince had became my oxygen.

My love for him was certain, but co-habitation? I didn't know if I was ready to move in with him and I didn't know how to tell him, but I tried my best.

"Moving in with you? I don't...I'm just..."  Being at a loss of words was definitely new territory for me.

"I know that it may seem as if it's too soon, but why wait? This..." he said motioning his index finger between us, " forever. So why not start our forever right now?"  He sweetly said.

His words were like nectar, but I was scared out of my mind.  My body started to follow my mind as well, as I tried to move away from him as I spoke.

"I've been on my own for a long time, and I wouldn't really know how to live with anyone else." I said as I tried putting some space between us.

Looking at me with perplexity, he spoke.

"Hold up...what are you doing?  Don't back away from me beautiful...please, just talk to me." He softly said as he lured me back into embrace.

"I'm sorry but so many things are going through my mind."

"Like what?"

I figured that I'd use my ace in the hole to buy myself some time.

"Well first of all there's Preston. We haven't even told him that we're dating."  I said.

"That's because we aren't dating, we're a couple."

"Well, we haven't even told him that we're a couple yet."  I factually said.

"If you think Preston doesn't know that we're together, you're probably drinking more of that tea than you should."  He flatly stated.

"I know that it's hard to get anything past him, but do you actually think Preston knows that we're together?"  I seriously quizzed.

"Yes I do, and I'm willing to bet some money on it.  Children are very smart about things like that...especially Gemini children."  He said in a bragging way.

I internally rolled my eyes at his Gemini cockiness before I continued.  "Whether he knows it or not isn't the point. The point is that I don't want to uproot him; our life here is very stable."

"Uproot him?  I only live 20 minutes away."

I sucked my teeth. "You know what I mean Prince." 

"Why are getting so frazzled?"  He gently, but defensively asked.

I didn't say anything, I just put my head down and began to fiddle with my hands. I was nervous and I knew that Prince could sense it. 

Looking at me with understanding, he grabbed my face and gave me a loving kiss.

"Listen to me for a moment.  Preston is only five years old.  Even though he's advanced for his age, he's also at an age where he can transition with ease.  I don't live in another state or country, I live right up the road. He will be going from one loving home to another loving home, and you know I will do whatever it takes to make the transition easier for him."

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