Heart to Heart

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After hanging up the phone with Prince, my mind and spiritual intuition started to go into overdrive. Pulling back the covers on my California King, I crawled out of bed and went to the only place where I could naturally realign my Chakras so I could think straight. As I sat in front of my easel staring at the blank canvas in front of me, I began squeezing different colors of oil paints on my palette. Using my paintbrush to mix the colors until I got the perfect shade, I then allowed my first brush stroke to touch the canvas as I began to create...and think.

Him telling me that I would be the last woman he put his heart into, gave me more insight than he realized. Now I knew for sure that Love hadn't been too kind to him. I knew that with him being famous and all that he probably had more love affairs than most. However it makes me wonder just how many of those affairs actually ended in heartbreak? How many women had used him in the past? How many women had he used? And how many hearts had he broken? The questions were endless and I knew that everything I wanted to know was probably only a click away, but I had already made up my mind a while ago that I would not rely on google. Then it immediately dawned on me what Ms. Agnes said about buying a few of his records. The only two Prince albums I owned were Purple Rain and the album single to Diamonds and Pearls. But like all artists most of their truth lies in their art, so I stopped painting and immediately got off of my stool heading toward my music room to look for my Purple Rain album. Rummaging through my vinyl collection, I finally found it.

As I stared at the album cover, I realized just how beautifully handsome he was...and still is! I wonder if he still rides a motorcycle and if so, would he be willing to take me for a ride? And even though I had looked at this cover a few times before, for the first time, I noticed a woman in the background of the pic. For some reason, I felt a hint of jealousy as I jokingly thought to myself 'That's exactly where that bitch better stay...in the damn background' It was at that moment I remembered him telling me that he had been married before. Was this his ex-wife or just some model? Whoever she was it didn't matter now because this picture was taken before my ass was even born, I thought as I looked at the copyright date on the back cover. Then glancing at the song list, the song titled The Beautiful Ones stood out. He always endearingly called me beautiful, so I decided to make my way back to my easel and listen to it as I painted. As soon as I heard his voice come out of the speakers all I could do was smile. His high singing voice was so different than the semi-deeply smooth one I had grown to like. But the lyrics was telling to say the least and ironically enough, when he sang 'Don't make me waste my time; Don't make me lose my mind', that's exactly how I was feeling about him right about now.

As the song faded and the needle moved on to play the next song, I began to think about what else he said to me tonight about not fully grasping who he was because of my age. And he was probably right. His heyday was way before my time, but the fact that he was going to such great lengths to make sure that we were safe and privacy was ensured in regards to our upcoming holiday travels, let me know that I had to do a little more...with my own employees. After tonight, I knew that I wanted to spend more time with him and now that I knew how he felt about Preston, it gave me a calm sense of relief. Also, knowing that he would now be courting me, I needed all of my employees to step up their game and get in line. Being that he mentioned making any flight crew, including his own, sign confidentiality agreements as well as using his own staff for the villa, Prince was going to great lengths for a reason so I made a mental note to call my own attorney. I was going to have her to draw up some confidentiality agreements for my own employees to sign. Every time I met and or seen him it was at Paisley and I'm not sure if that's because he's more of a recluse or not, but I always feel safe with him and his employees; knowing that whatever happens while there, it stays between us and those walls. Therefore, I wanted him to feel just as safe with me and my employees. Even though I was really good at being private with them, realizing how much I had already easily revealed to Prince, I knew that I wanted him to feel comfortable enough do the same with me. He was being open, yet guarded with me about something and I could feel it. It had more to do with him just wanting to get it right this time' and at first I was hoping that because I opened up to him, he would do the same. Yet, he hadn't and it was bothersome. After tonight's conversation, I knew that the connection was there but were we really meant to be? I actually felt as though we were, but I wanted to be certain.

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