The Recital: Part 3 (All Falls Down)

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As soon as I heard the doorknob turn, I put one hand over Ms. Knight's mouth and used the other to grab her arm moving us away from the door. 

I wasn't too sure who it was, but I immediately remembered that Ms. Agnes and I were to meet. Maybe Celeste just sent her straight up without buzzing me, and the last thing I needed was Ms. Agnes seeing a scantily dressed woman walking out of my office.

"Ssshhh..."  I motioned as I put my pointer finger up to my mouth. 

Pulling her shirt back down, I gave her a look that could kill.  With my reputation as a lady's man this was the last thing I needed.

"Don't make a sound...not one damn sound!"  I whispered as I continued giving her a death stare.

"What?"  Ms. Knight mouthed as if she was baffled to my reaction.

"Principal Mueller is to meet with me before the recital.  Now how would it look for me to be in my office with a half-dressed parent behind a locked door?"  I angrily whispered.

"Well don't you have a secret passage way or something?  I read about it in Rolling Stone."  She whispered back.

It never ceased to amaze me how every fan I had, knew more than I did about the place I built.   Continuing with my death stare, I looked Ms. Knight directly in her eyes.

"Where is the secret passage way?  Did the article state exactly where it is because I would really like to know?"  I asked in a low tone.

Looking at me stupidly, I guess she got the point.  

"Just sit down in the chair and stay there.  By remaining quiet, whoever it is will go away and then you can leave.  If you ever try to pull a stunt like this again, I'll be sure to have a another meeting with both you and Principal Mueller as to why Ava can no longer be in my class!"  I threatened.

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I tried to turn the knob a second time, then I knocked on the door again. Putting my ear to the door and not hearing a sound, I raised my hand to knock again but was interrupted before doing so.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?"

Startled half to death, I jumped and took a deep breath as I saw Kirk walking in my direction.  Walking to meet him half way, I had to quickly think on my feet.

"Thank goodness you're here.  Prince is stuck in his office with the door jammed, do you have a key or something?"  I frantically asked.

Kirk looked at me with skepticism.  "Why are you whispering....are you about to cry?"

Continuing to whisper, I pulled Kirk toward the office door.  "Could you stop asking questions and help me get this door open?" 

Kirk abruptly stopped and whispered,  "I'll get him out, but Celeste wants you back at her desk.  She said that she told you P. didn't want anyone up here."

"I know what she said, but he can't get out of his office.  Now are you going to help me get him out or what?"

"You go back downstairs and I'll get P.!...and why in the hell am I whispering?"  Kirk said asking himself a rhetorical question.

As Kirk continued to walk toward Prince office door, I was right behind him until he abruptly stopped.  Bumping into his back, he turned around and looked down at me.

"Go back downstairs while I help Prince."  Kirk demanded towering over me.

"You might need my help as well.   Besides, I want to see him before the recital."  I said.

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