Christmas Eve, Part Two (King Solomon's Mines)

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"Shouldn't I pull my eyelid up as I slide the liner across?"

"No, it'll give you premature wrinkles later down the road.  Pull upward from your hair line, like this..."

Prince was showing me how to get this winged liner right.  I was able to follow everything else he did, but that damn liner was giving me a hard time.

"That's almost it; let me help you."  Prince took the black eyeliner out of my hand.

"Why are your hands so massive in comparison to your hand and wrist ratio?"  I asked, as his hand laid on half of my face.

"Learning to play so many instruments at a young age, thickened my hand muscles prematurely.  I'm a petite guy, so as I aged, the muscle tone in my hands started to slim out.  But teaching these children different instruments, the  muscle memory is making them bulky again."  He explained, putting the finishing touches on my eyeliner.

"You have really beautiful hands though.  They seem perfect; rough, yet tender."  I flirtatiously complimented him.

He kissed my nose.

"Thank you.  Now, stop being a tease and let me see you do the other eye.  I'm going to do mine, so just do as I do."  He handed me the eyeliner.

I was able to follow his steps exactly, and the end result was perfect.

"See, it just takes focus."  He playfully winked at me.

I could only smile.

"Let me help you curl your hair, so we get out of here."  I said.

"I got this."  He hesitated.

"I know my makeup skills suck, but I'm good at hair. I promise."  I whined.

"Jeanette, if you mess my hair up and I have to fly my beautician out here, I'm going to be pissed." He said, as I ignored him.

Taking his hair curlers, I put the rattail comb in my hands and went to work.  I could tell by the way he was looking at my technique in the mirror that he was impressed, yet nervous.  After all, I was going a bit fast because I wasn't trying to be late for my appointment.  However, I was really a pro at this.

Once I curled his hair all over, I took the wide tooth comb to neatly fluff out his curls.  Then taking some gel, I slicked the sides down with a small edge brush and then sprayed his hair with some oil sheen.

"That'll be 20 dollar's worth of kisses."  I jokingly said, finishing off with some holding spray.

Taking off the towel that was draped over his shoulders, he looked in the mirror admiring my skills.

"Damn, you're almost better than Kim."  He said.

"Who's Kim?"  I sassed back with an attitude.

Prince laughed.

"Calm your feisty tale down.  Kim is my personal hairstylist, but you may save me some money.  Where did you learn to do hair so well?"

"I have a lot of patients who want to look good for their during and after birth pictures.  So, I learned to do their hair because sometimes it relaxes them while in labor.  I don't use the hairspray and stuff, but I can do wonders with rollers and hot curlers, especially Marcels."  I smirked.

"Now you've gotta be a pro to use Marcels, that's old school.  I'm actually quite surprised, because I notice you usually just put your hair in an up-do, ponytail or just leave it out.  Why don't you do your own hair in more styles?"

"Because I have a lot of hair, and my hair is very thick.  I would  love to do more styles, but it's time consuming.  Speaking of which, I'm  ready to go; I don't want to be late."  I said, putting on my fur.

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