A Champagne High

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After leaving The Met, Jeanette and I went to one of my favorite restaurants in NYC.  It wasn't Michelin or five star rated, but the best thing about this restaurant was the views.  Due to it being the week of Christmas I couldn't shut the restaurant down, but the best viewing spot was secured for us, with our space being intimate and secluded.  It was very romantic, and with our backs turned to the patrons as we faced the window to observe the gorgeous view, it felt like we were in our own world.

Once we left the restaurant, it was as if the paparazzi had followed us and brought some of their crazy friends along.  This group of photographers were worse than the first, but thanks to our romantic dinner, Jeanette was on such a love dazed high she wasn't even phased. 

I then informed her that we were going to a sexy, but glitzy upscale house party of a really good celebrity friend of mine.  Jeanette was excited, but very apprehensive.  She said that she wasn't ready to literally come face to face to the raised eyebrows of those who may think that she's too young for me, especially a celebrity.  I explained to her that nothing like that would happen, and if anyone made her feel uncomfortable, we would immediately leave. 

What Jeanette didn't understand was that I was THE celebrity among celebrities, so I knew that no one would dare raise their eyebrows at her in my presence.  Besides if they did, I would just have the host to throw them out on my behalf.

As we pulled up to the lavish apartment building, Jeanette looked at me with a cheesy grin.  She pleaded with me to tell her who my celebrity friend was, so she wouldn't freak out.  I quickly explained to her that she better not freak out, because she was arriving on the arm of the man who's going to freak everyone else out.  Therefore I told her to just act like a celebrity too.

As soon as we stepped off the penthouse elevator entering the party, it didn't take long before my dear friend came rushing toward me.  To my surprise, Jeanette was the one guest they really wanted to meet.

"You my dear, were the talk of the evening at The Met.  Prince, will you please introduce me to this beauty."

"This is Jeanette Devareaux.  Jeanette, this is my good friend, Ms. Donatella Versace."

I explained to Jeanette that it was Donatella who asked to speak to me during the Opera's intermission.  She had already sent an invitation to Paisley, but I declined the RSVP not knowing that I'd be in New York.  When Donatella saw me at the Opera, she insisted that I still attend.

Needless to say, she was beyond smitten with Jeanette.  I'll never forget what she whispered to me, Finally, a woman who can speak my language.  Let me dress her Prince, please.  Donatella begged me.

Little did she know, that choice was up to Jeanette.  Another woman I could persuade, but Jeanette was definitely in a league of her own.

As she and Donatella conversed, I realized that Jeanette knew just as much, if not more about the intricacies of fashion than Donatella did.  And that was the language Donatella was speaking of. 

It wasn't until Jeanette was out of earshot, that she gave my lady the biggest compliment that I ever heard Donatella give to anyone, including me.  You know Prince, I haven't had a conversation about fashion like that since Gianni were alive.  I want her to see the collection that I'm currently working on; I want her input.  Make it happen for me, my dear friend.  She pleaded.

Donatella wasn't the only guest smitten with my beautiful date.  Lorraine Schwartz had Jeanette in a corner half the night talking about the jewels she was wearing.  This was a conversation that I knew would probably cost me a pretty penny.  That thought didn't last too long however, because Lorraine later told me Jeanette was wearing some of the most exquisite baubles she'd ever seen, and she wanted to know which jewelry house I purchased them from. Her question alone let me know that Jeanette's jewels were of a higher quality and standard than Lorraine thought she herself could provide. 

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