The Day After Christmas (Part One)

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***Please forgive me for any typos or mishaps.

"Do I have to wear my kufi?" Preston asked.

"No, but you will have to wear it for prayer. Just put it in your pocket for now." I said to Preston.

It's was a quarter til 5:00am and we were getting ready to leave for Raj's. Preston and I were both wearing a form of Islamic attire, and Prince was looking a bit apprehensive.

"Am I going to stick out like a sore thumb?" He asked.

"Not at all. Raj knows that you're not Muslim, so you're dressed perfectly fine." I explained.

"Are you sure we don't need security? I mean Gerard can stay in the limo if you don't want him coming into Raj's home." Prince suggested.

I looked at him with a smirk.

"We ain't about to do this Mr. Nelson. I know that not having security is unfamiliar territory for you, but we're just going to pick up Mr. Frank and Ms. Odessa, then we're going straight to Raj's. On the way back, we'll drop them off and come straight back to the hotel. Therefore, nobody's going to see you but Raj's family." I assured him.

Prince still seemed unsure. Walking up to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Have faith that all will go well, okay?" I rubbed his nose with mine.

"Ewww, you guys are Eskimo kissing." Preston scrunched his nose.

Prince laughed at his facial expression, as I blushed with embarrassment.

"Sorry, no more Eskimo kissing." Prince said.

"Go get your coat, so we can get going." I said to Preston.

As he hurried to get his coat, Prince grabbed both of my hands.

"I know you live by a different set of rules, but you have to let my security do their job." Prince said.

"I understand, but I can't have Kirk or Gerard coming with us every time we go somewhere. Raj is more than my family's jeweler, and his home is off limits to strangers. I wouldn't even be able to bring you, if he didn't give you an open invitation himself. Just remember that if I ever tell your security that they can't come with us, know that I have valid reasons in doing so." I stated.

"I get that, but my security is an extension of me. They do things that I sometimes am unable to do because of who I am. Crowds can get out of hand quickly, and I can't run as fast as I used to. We can't be out there fighting crowds, especially when Preston is with us. Some things you will not like, but know that it's necessary." Prince explained.

"Understood." I said.

"Today I'll go with the flow, but for the remainder of this trip, Gerard will be with us unless we're just going for a joy ride like we did last night. We'll only use Kirk if necessary." He said.

I didn't want to argue with Prince, so complying was the best alternative.

"Okay baby." I smiled.

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As the limo driver pulled up at the entrance of the Holiday Inn, Jeanette gave me her purse to hold.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get Mr. Frank. I told him to be ready by 6:00am, but it's 5:30 so I'll have the front desk call his room so he can come on down." Jeanette said.

"Please go tell the front desk to ring room number...what's his room number?" I sternly asked.

"707." Jeanette reluctantly stated.

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