A Beautiful Young Lady from New Orleans

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"Are you telling me that this teacher, out of nowhere just became disrespectful to you?  Something isn't adding up."

I don't know why, but Mr. Nelson upset me more than I realized.  After I got home, did my routine with Preston and put him to bed early, I went to the living room and had a good cry.  It was times like these when I wish my family were here with me.  It's nothing like having not only someone to lean on, but someone to truly depend on. When Tammy called me to tell me that I left some items over Mrs. Lux house and she now had them, I decided to use that opportunity to vent my frustrations.

"Let me be honest.  The first conversation that we had, I abruptly hung up on him when he became smug with me.  And ever since then it's like me and this man can't get on the same page."  I said to Tammy

"That's why I told your ass to call him and reschedule. Did you at least apologize to him for being extremely late?"

"Yes and I gave him what I thought was a nice bouquet of yellow roses as an apology. Yet, he was focused on letting me know how he thought I made poor decisions as a parent in regards to Miriam.  In his defense, he did have a point but the way he insulted me just left me feeling low. Especially when he said that he wasn't too fond of people like me who always tries to charm their way through life." I said to Tammy.

"And how did you handle what he said?."

"Umm, I told his ass off and made it clear that I didn't like the way he was disrespecting me."

"Have you thought at all what perception you have given him with your behavior?."

"Tammy I know you don't know much about me, but let me tell you this: my life has been anything but charming. In the words of Langston Hughes, 'Life for me ain't been no crystal stairs.' Girl, I just...I ju.. I guess it's hard to explain." I said in exasperation.

"Let me ask you a question. After you told him off, what did he do?"

"He turned around and then his damn jaw dropped because it's probably been a while since somebody told him off. So, I proceeded to really give him a piece of my mind. Then the first words out his mouth were, 'May I ask how old you are?'

"Bwaaahhhhh, girrrl no!" Tammy said laughing hysterically.

"That shit ain't funny!"

"Yes it is! And you know why?"

"Why?" I curiously asked

"Because he was probably shocked that a gorgeous young lady had such a gutter mouth!"

"Honey trust me, this teacher has seen plenty of gorgeous women and I'm sure he has heard worse."

"Who is his teacher again?"

"His name is Mr. P." 

"What exactly does the P stand for and what do you know about this Mr. P.?" Tammy asked.

"I don't know and not much" is all I said. After signing that confidentiality agreement, I wasn't taking any chances telling Tammy a thing.

"Well, if I were you I would find out his full name from that principal and Google him. Maybe if you knew more about him, you wouldn't be so quick to think he's not qualified. Also, you have to start giving people a chance to explain themselves and stop being so feisty with everyone who tries to tell you something about being a better parent. Because you're young, people are only trying to help. So learn to be a bit more open and less guarded."

"Maybe I'll do that, but right now let me go and get some rest." I said. I really didn't want to hear another person telling me what they thought was best for me. But little did I know, Tammy wasn't finished.

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