Child's Play

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"That music note is a C-major!" Jordan said excitedly.

"Correct, but you played a C-minor. Make sure your third finger is placed correctly." I gently said to Jordan.

It's been three and a half weeks since school started and the children are really surprising me. I had no idea how they would actually be challenging me. Last week I asked the children to name their favorite song. I spent my weekend learning those songs, so I could teach them to play it. These kids are beyond amazing and I enjoy the challenges that comes with being their musical instructor.

However, my students are not the only ones challenging me. Their mothers are a real piece of work as well. I actually wanted to send home letters to inform the mothers to dress appropriately when picking up their children, but my lawyer advised against it due to crazy legalities. The only mother that hasn't given me a wardrobe problem is Preston's mother, and that's because I have yet to meet the woman. I never heard from her, but being that we're coming up on their monthly review I will be forced to call her again and ask her to schedule a meeting with me. My thoughts were interrupted by some commotion.

"Preston that is the right note?" I heard Ava ask.

Ava was going over some scales on the piano and Preston decided to tell her that she wasn't playing the tune correctly.

"No it isn't Ava, that's not a g-fwat. Let me see you hit the key again." Preston said while he looked across the room at Ava. Once he saw that she hit the correct key, he looked bewildered and said, "do it again..." and Ava did.

"You're hitting the key right but...never mind." Preston said as he quietly turned around to face me to continue learning to playing his guitar scales.

Preston was learning the guitar very well and neither Jordan nor the other guitar students could keep up with him. The only thing was that Preston wasn't willing to help his section, but was always willing to assist other instrumental sections. That really baffled me and when I asked him about it, he informed me that his "spection" didn't need his help.

I remember both Principal Mueller and Ms. Bell informing me of how bright Preston was but he would only show it to me in spurts. I did however observe that his classmates on the other hand got a front row seat at observing his brilliance. Whenever he thought I wasn't looking, I would see him go over to the piano section or percussion section and tell them how things should sound. I never alluded that I was noticing, but I was still trying to figure out how to really reach him without seeming to show any favoritism. I must say that in the past few weeks I have noticed something about his behavior that seems a little peculiar, but I wanted to address the issue with his mother, however I may be better off discussing it with his nanny. I will be sure to speak to her when she picks Preston up this afternoon.

"Preston is everything okay?"

"Yes, Mr. P. Are you okay?" Preston ask.

I chuckled and said, "I am fine. But you looked concerned about the g-flat note that Ava played."

Preston put his guitar down and came over to me and whispered, "I think the piano isn't pwaying right. The note shouldn't sound like that. Ava hit the right key, but it sounds bwrong Mr. P. I think it's bwroke."

I could only smile because the piano was in fact slightly out of tune and I had a repairman coming in this evening to have it fixed. A five year old, however should not have been able to notice it, especially with all of the other musical notes being played in the classroom. Honestly, the only reason I knew it was slightly out of tune was because it was pass its monthly tuning inspection and after Celeste reminded me, I played a few chords to see if I needed to call the repairman and I did.

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