Breakfast (Part Two)

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****Warning: This is a long chapter, but you've got all weekend to get through it😜💞💋😎

As I got out the shower, I buzzed Celeste again.

"Did Ms. Devareaux call?" I asked.

"No sir."


I had tried calling Jeanette this morning and even left a message. I can only hope that all is well. I was hoping to catch her before she left her house this morning. Being that the roads were a bit icy, I was going to have my driver take Preston to school as well as take her wherever she needed to go.

As I was putting lotion on my skin, I thought back to our conversation. I was so relieved that she let me know that she was all in. I can only hope that she still has that sentiment once she fully grasps the magnitude of who I am. Like me, she likes her privacy but our reasons why however, are different. I was forced into a certain type of privacy; Jeanette however chose it. Why, I still don't know.  But unlike me, she's quick to speak her mind and she may not like the fact that she will have to curtail that.

I also hope that she can truly handle the side eye that comes with a May/December romance. Unlike my previous wives and girlfriends, she already carries herself with a distinguished and elegant aura about her. Jeanette is classy for her age, but also feisty. So I can only hope no one tries to insult her in regards to our age difference.

After meticulously doing my hair and makeup, I decided to head downstairs. As soon as I opened my bedroom door, the most tantalizing aroma tickled my senses. It was only 10:00am and it smelled like Ray was cooking a full course meal. I started to wonder if maybe I had friends coming over this evening for dinner and Ray was prepping as he usually would.

I decided to let my nose direct me to the kitchen. As soon as I approached the doorway, I noticed that Celeste and Ray were scraping their plates of what must've been a delicious serving of egg whites. I didn't mind my staff eating while on the clock but it was as if they were in such a comatose state, they didn't even hear me when I entered. Before I made my presence known, Celeste loudly burped.

"Excuse me! Sorry about that Ray, but I haven't had a breakfast like that since I was a child. I need to brush up on my culinary skills ASAP!" Celeste said as Ray shook his head in agreement.

"That was delicious. I might need another serving but I'll wait for the boss to eat first." Ray insinuated.  I used that moment to make my presence known.

"I appreciate that."

Both Ray and Celeste jumped up looking way too suspicious for my liking.

"I take it that you spiced those egg-whites up pretty good, because if I'm correct I smell an aroma that coincides with that?"

"Umm, yes sir." Ray nervously stated. Then I noticed Celeste was trying her best to look calm but her energy seemed just as nervous as Ray's. And I would guess that's because she should be up front waiting for Jeanette to call.

"Celeste I don't mind you eating but I asked you to buzz me when Ms. Devareaux calls. How are you going to do that sitting back here with Ray?" I said in an aggravated tone.

I was a little worried about her and it was aggravating me that she hasn't returned my calls. Also, to be honest I was missing her a little bit.  I needed to hear her voice; so missing a call from her would not be accepted. I guess Celeste and Ray sensed that I was not in a good mood. Ray immediately took his and Celeste plate rinsing it and putting it in the dishwasher, while Celeste simultaneously started getting up out of her chair.

Beautiful, Loved and BlessedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ