Christmas Day (Part Two)

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***Please forgive any typos💜

"Celeste if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my own holiday festivities."

"Not  until you call your sister!  She's been blowing up my phone because she  needs to speak to you, and wants to know where you are.  Now you know I  got a special holiday guest, so I ain't got time for Tyka's phone calls  Prince!"  Celeste stated.

After  breakfast, everyone was still in a festive mood.  As we were about to  gather around the suite's main fireplace however, Todd tapped me on the  shoulder, telling me that I had an urgent message from my secretary in  regards to Paisley.  I thought something had happened to the building,  but it was Tyka who was the emergency.  She had been calling Celeste since 6:00am  this morning, demanding to know my whereabouts.  Celeste was pissed and  she was making sure I understood it.

"I'll call her Celeste.  Anything else?"

" is your first Christmas with Ms. Devareaux?"  Celeste jovially asked.

It  never ceased to amaze me just how bipolar Celeste could be.  One minute  she's fussing at me, and the next minute she acts as if we're best friends.

"I can't believe you'd ask me that, after you just interrupted my first Christmas just to chew me out!"  I said.

"Prince if I don't put you in your place, who will?  I love you and everything,  but being your secretary isn't the easiest job on a good day.  Hell,  your sister interrupted my Christmas, so I figured you deserved the same  courtesy.  Now stop acting all mad, and tell me how things are going."   Celeste kindly demanded.

"Things are going great; I forgot how special Christmas can be."  I said.

"Especially when you're with the right person. Did they like their gifts?"  Celeste asked.

"Yes, but we haven't exchanged everything yet."  I hinted.

"Well  honey don't worry about it.  I think she'll love 'em.  If she doesn't,  just re-gift it to me as a birthday present."  Celeste chuckled.

"....Baby you ready?"  I heard a male voice in the background.

"Who's that?"  I asked Celeste.

"My holiday guest."  Celeste snickered.

I chuckled.

"Celeste, I thought you were digging on Hakeem?"

"I am, but I couldn't break it off with my friend right before Christmas!   Besides, after that recital fiasco I don't think Jeanette would want me and Hakeem digging on each other.  I think she's still a little upset  with me for lying to her."  Celeste said.

"I don think she's upset with you; she apologized." I reminded her.

"That's because Hakeem made her apologize.  I would like to sit down with her once y'all return, but that girl is not feeling me right now.  She's  only being cordial to me because of you, but I can tell that I really hurt her feelings.  I hope I ain't mess up my tea connect lying for your  ass!" 

"Celeste,  if Jeanette can make an effort to get along with Kirk after what he did, then I know she has no problem with you.  She's past that."  I  said.

"That  girl did not take kindly to what I did; she said she felt betrayed.   Now that's a strong word, and I want to let her know that betraying her was not my  intention.  Jeanette has been nothing but kind to me, and she's always treated me with respect.  I don't ever want her to think that I would be disingenuous toward her."  Celeste confided.

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