Jeanette's Counsel

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I was reaching for the door handle on my Range Rover when I felt my arm being grabbed. Quickly turning around, I saw the handsome face of my beloved God-brother Israfil.

"You good?" He sympathetically asked.

I immediately crashed my face into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him letting out a quiet cry.

"Ssshh, Baby Doll please stop.   I haven't seen your tough ass cry since your Grandpere died." He said consoling me.

Quickly wiping away the tears trickling down my cheek, I got myself together before anyone else saw me.

"That pretty motherfucker who likes to play hide and seek has soften me up." I chuckled as I sniffed my reddened eyes away.

"He hasn't softened you up enough. I see you're still slapping folks around like they're ungrateful stepchildren. That shit was funny as hell the way you slapped Kirk's ass." Israfil laughed.

"It's not funny Israfil, and what in the hell are you guys doing here?!" I abruptly asked hitting his shoulder.

"From my understanding you were given a specific time frame to relay some information to your new boyfriend, or Dad was to send Bilal and I out here to handle that Kirk fella. So, why didn't you call?"

"I forgot." I mumbled.

"Forgot? Well Daddy Hakeem didn't forget and when your 24 hours was up, he immediately called us to let us know that he was leaving Dubai. He instructed Bilal and I to fly out from Cali to meet him here in Minneapolis. I was hesitant at first, being that I heard you didn't even want me to come." He pouted with a slight smirk.

All I could do was smirk at his antics. "Of course I wouldn't want you to come. You're too quick tempered and can't be reasoned with."

"Now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" Israfil raised his brows.

"The two of us together when we're both upset, is just a jail sentence waiting to happen and you know it. So there are times when only Bilal and I are enough. Bilal is needed for his sense of reason." I side hugged him.

"His ass is so damn reasonable that it's annoying." Israfil rolled his eyes as he grabbed me into a bear hug.

"When did you guys get in, and how did you know I was here?"

"Forget all that! The real question is...what in the hell are you doing fucking Prince?" Israfil jokingly snickered.

"Sssshhh...what in the hell is wrong with you? We aren't public yet, so lower your voice!"

"Why? From what Dad stated, you're in love. I thought when women were in love, they shouted it to the moon; at least my women do."

I rolled my eyes. "Just tell me, what exactly did Uncle say about it?"

"First of all he just found out today that Prince was the actual music teacher you spoke of, and he hasn't said anything. I honestly think that he's a bit shocked. However, I do know that he isn't pleased with you being involved with a man 30 years your senior and I can't blame him. That man is older than your father and your Godfather. It's going to be funny as hell when he rips Prince a new asshole."

"I doubt if Prince will listen to anything Uncle has to say being that Prince is technically his elder. You know how traditional Uncle can be."

"Unfortunately, Prince has put himself in a position to not say shit being that he has you out here acting crazy. You know my Daddy doesn't like that, besides as far as he's concerned you're his daughter now. His allegiance to your father supersedes your boyfriend's elder status any day, and you know this." Israfil factually stated.

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