U Don't Know What the Hell Ur Talking About!

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***Please forgive any typos or grammatical errors💞

Coming to this priestess' home made me feel uneasy. I was aggravated because I didn't have any of my prescription medicine, and even though the aspirin was helping, I needed my medication. I was on edge and Jeanette sensed it immediately. This priestess however, lessened much of my anxiety.

As I sat there watching her and Jeanette meditate, I could feel the spiritual energy in the air. For some reason, I was feeling as if I was having an out of body experience.

The sound of the singing bowl was making me sleepy, but I was too focused to close my eyes. The tension that I had been feeling however, quickly subsided and there was a sense of calmness that completely came over me.

Jeanette now seemed to be in a full meditative state, and so was the priestess.

As I watched them closely, I quickly notice that a tear cascaded down Jeanette's cheek and her facial expression was one of deep concentration. The priestess started speaking in Portuguese and now I wished that Nasir was here to translate. For I could sense that she and Jeanette were having a deep spiritual conversation, and I wanted to know exactly what they were saying.

Being that my health was the reason for this visit, I didn't like not knowing what was being said.

As the sound of the singing bowl silenced, the priestess opened her eyes. Jeanette eyes however, remained closed. She then put her hands on top of Jeanette's, and she spoke gently.

"Come back child, you can't stay...come on." She said.

Jeanette eyes remained closed, and now the priestess had a concerned look on her face.

"Say good-bye...come on." She said.

Noticing another tear fall, Jeanette eyes remained closed and she began to slowly rock. Then, as she gently began to open her eyes, she took a deep gasp.

I was startled and slightly jumped.

"Is she okay?" I said with concern.

The priestess answered me in Portuguese, so now I was really getting nervous. She began rubbing Jeanette's hands, and Jeanette took a deep breath and exhaled.

Looking at her with a smile, the priestess grabbed her face.

"You couldn't stay any longer, I had to lure you back." She said.

"I know. Thank you." Jeanette wiped the lonely tear from her own cheek.

"Did you understand?" She asked Jeanette.

"Totally." Jeanette answered.

"Good. Now let me see your palm." She turned Jeanette's hand palm side up.

"Hmmm, why are you still so fiesty?" She gave Jeanette a stern look.

Looking like a child being chastised, Jeanette just sat in silence. The priestess then reached behind her, and grabbed a straw mat. Spreading it out, she then grabbed a small satchel. Emptying some sort of shells on the mat, she spoke to Jeanette in Portuguese.

Jeanette picked up the shells, shook them in her hand, then threw them on the mat. The priestess then did the same.

As they looked at theses shells, the priestess began to speak a combination of Portuguese and English. Being that she was speaking lowly, I couldn't really put it all together. When she glanced up at me however, I got a little nervous.

"Are you married?" The priestess asked me.

"No." I answered.

"Were you married?"

Beautiful, Loved and Blessedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن