Lenny's After Party (Part One)

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Please forgive any typos💜

The children wanted to stay up until sunrise, but neither Jeanette or Miriam was having it.  Preston continued asking me so many questions about my music, and I was enjoying every moment of it, but Jeanette was giving me a look to end it. 

"Tomorrow is Christmas, so you and Michelle have to go to bed if you want to get up early to open presents."  I said.

"But we want to stay up, that way we don't have to get up."  Michelle said.

"Yeah, let us stay up."  Preston pleaded, looking toward Jeanette.

"Nope, nope, nope!  It's bed time; we've all had a long day, and tomorrow will be even a longer day.  Chop, chop!"  Jeanette clapped.

Once they ran off toward their room, Kirk, Miriam and Gerard busied themselves putting the children's gifts under the tree.   Jeanette and I however, decided to get Preston and Michelle ready for bed.

While  I helped Preston into his pajamas, Jeanette was fixing Michelle's hair  so it could still be picture perfect for their early morning wake-up. As Jeanette tied the scarf on Michelle's head, I noticed Michelle  forming a smirk on her face.

"Guess what Uncle P.?"  She slyly asked.

"What?"  I said.

"Ms. Jeanette didn't know the words to your songs."  Michelle teased.

Jeanette face automatically flushed.

"Was she singing Lenny's songs?"  I asked Michelle.

"E-ve-ry word!"  Michelle dramatically stated.

"Me and mommy are going to buy your record so we'll know it next time."  Preston said, in defense of his mother.

"I have a lot of records mommy can buy, do you need a list?"  I excitedly asked Preston.

"Yes! Oh my gosh mommy, Mr. P. has tons of records that we can buy."  Preston said with enthusiasm.

Jeanette gave me a devilish grin.

"I know you're not gonna make me buy your records?"  She sassed.

"You buy Lenny records!"  I protested.

"Yeah mommy, it's only right.  Uncle Hakeem says that you should   always support your friends, and to never ask them for something that you too can't give.  He said that's what my Grandpa used to tell you."   Preston  said.

Taking a deep breath, Jeanette looked at Preston.

"I guess we'll be going record shopping when we get back to Minnesota, huh?"

"Yes, we're going to Google which record stores carry Mr. P.; how many records do you have?"

"A whole lot of 'em."  I smiled.

"Preston, you know all of those records on the wall at Paisley are Uncle P.'s right?"  Michelle asked.

Preston looked at Michelle with confusion, and then he looked at me.

"You didn't buy those records to decorate your house?"  Preston innocently asked.

"No.  Once you sell a certain amount of records, the record company sends you  a framed one to commemorate the sales of that record.  Normally it  happens once you sell at least 500,000 or more records."  I explained.

Preston looked at Jeanette.

"So those records on the walls at Uncle Hakeem's house are records that he sold?"  Preston eyes widened.

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