Their First Date

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****Warning: This is another long chapter, but at least it's the weekend😜💞****

I informed Tammy that I wouldn't be working tonight and I also informed Miriam that she would be on overnight duty watching Preston, because I wasn't sure on where Prince was taking me or how long the date would be.

This would actually be my first real date so I was excited but also a little nervous because I had no clue as to what I should wear.  Therefore, I was currently on the internet searching 'First Date Outfits' but the do's and don'ts were overwhelming. So I decided to take the CoCo Chanel route and don a little black dress. Looking in my closet, I found the perfect one; a black long sleeved, calf-length wrap dress with a thigh high split. It was sexy, flirty and still classy. What I really liked was that it also gave Prince easy access to everything that lied beneath. I am not ashamed of the fact that I just love that man's touch, and after today's events, I craved it.

When I entered Prince's bedroom and felt the energy that it embodied, I knew at that moment he was the one for me. The energy in his bedroom was identical to my own and resonated with my soul. It was warm, cozy, sexy and spiritual. Like me, Prince had this special energy about him.

I am fully aware of the erotic spiritual energy I have. It's something that I've always been aware of, but I had been taught to tell the difference between sexual wants and spiritual needs. Due to working with my great-grandmother, I was also taught about the strong link between sex and spirituality, which was something that most people my age knew nothing about. Religion can sometimes make people, especially the youth, feel as though sex is a defiant act against God. But most of the time when one craves sex, they're really craving for a mate who can give them a spiritual connection. Regular people call it 'filling a void', but us healers call it 'spiritual fulfillment'. I was now at a point in my life where I was in need of that spiritual fulfillment, but I was afraid to go after it. However, spending time with Prince earlier changed all of that.

Being naked with him and baring my soul, felt so natural. The way we easily confessed our needs to each other was a beautiful, but scary thing for me. I was not easy to trust people, yet I trusted him with my biggest vulnerabilities. What I wasn't expecting was for him to be just as open and trust me with his vulnerabilities as well. I knew that our nakedness would give him the comfort needed to do so, but when he decided to take it a step further and get a bit sexual with our spiritual baring, I knew he would be the only man that I will ever give my heart to. It was like we both submitted to one another, openly, willingly and carefree. We were caught up in one another and it felt so damn good to be in the arms of someone who's spirit understood my own. I must confess however, I would've never thought that I would find my spiritual equivalent in a man so much older than myself.

I am totally in new territory and confident that all will be well, but listening to Prince explain just how challenging it may become wasn't pleasant to hear. I figured we could just keep our courtship hidden, but Prince didn't want that. He was a real man and he was going to deal with whatever came our way, therefore I had to woman up and do the same. Regardless of what happens, I've decided to fully enjoy every moment we share and make each moment count.

I always remember my grandfather telling me that it's the memories that we take with us when we cross over to the next realm. Not the luxury items but the luxurious memories. Prince was already giving me those moments before today. The daily flowers and the sweet handwritten notes that accompanied each delivery made my heart melt. But the other night when my flower delivery didn't show and I called Prince about it, only for him to tell me that he hadn't sent any, I was almost heartbroken until he told me it was an oversight. It was that initial feeling of despair that made me realize that I was falling in love with him. Not ever having experienced true love before I wouldn't really know, but based on all of the books I've read about it, I definitely have most of the symptoms.

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