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As I pondered over his question, he looked at me with an eerie calmness.

"Yes."  I said.

"Yes what?"  He asked.

I shot him a look that could kill.  This man was beyond pompous, but after the way he just handled me I now knew to keep a cool head. 

Cleary he knew it as well because he shot me a look right back.

"Yessss...what?"  He whimsically repeated in a boyish tone.

"Yes I want to take this to the next level."  I flatly said in a defeated tone.

Taking a deep breath, his glare softened.  I guess he sensed the uncertainty in my tone.

"Jeanette, I don't—"

"I said yes Prince!  Damn...what else do you want me to do?!"  I slightly yelled as my cracked voice cut him off.

"I want you to truly want it too.  I don't want you to just say yes, because you think that's what I want to hear beautiful.  I want us to plan our future.

As someone who has planned out other people's lives to fit into my own, I'm wise enough to know that's not the way. 

Just tell me how you really feel...what's truly on your mind?  Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together mama; I promise."  He gently said.

His sweet words and understanding tone was so soothing, and it immediately brought a calm to my spirit.  Putting down my teacup, I crawled over to him.

As I straddled Prince, he embraced me with everything he had and I did the same.  Giving him a peck on the lips, I spoke.

"I'm sorry for raising my hand to strike you. I truly am, and I promise to never do it again.

And I do want a future with you; a bright one at that.  It's just that I'm set in my ways and to be honest co-habitation can be a scary thing. Especially since I've been on my own for so long. 

Also, as a healer I don't know if living together is possible."  I confessed.

"What do you mean?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"Sometimes when I heal people, like Ms. Agnes for instance, I have to bring them into my space to properly heal them."

"So do I need to keep a guest room available?  If so, that's not a problem."  He earnestly said.

All I could do was chuckle.  "It's not that simple.  I actually have a spiritual space here as well.  If you notice, my home has a certain energy and that's very important when trying to heal someone."

"How did your great-grandmother handle that?"  He asked.

"I'm not too sure because by the time I was born, she was already widowed.  But it doesn't matter because I have my way of healing folks and changing that isn't an option baby."  I sternly states in a sweet tone.

"I can understand that."  He said as if he was in deep thought. 

Then like a child, his eyes immediately widened.  "I actually have an unused building on the grounds at Paisley.  It's unfinished but for you, I'll fix it up and you can turn it into your own spiritual sanctum."  He smiled.

Smiling back at him, I smirked. "That sounds like an option."

It was as if he had an answer to everything, yet my mind was still reeling.

Looking at me, he said, "What else is going through that head of yours."

"I'm just thinking about everything, but most of all Preston.  I know you love him just as much, if not more than me, but how will he handle this?" I asked.

"That's what I wanted to speak to you about as well. I think we should include him on the decision.  I know many parents think that children should just get in where they fit in, but I don't. 

As a child of divorce and then having a horrible step-father, I think that children should be asked what they want as well."  He reasoned.

"But he doesn't fully understand—"

Prince immediately cut me off. "Never underestimate what a child understands.  Especially in situations like this. 

Even though a mother love runs deep, when a man comes along a shift can occur, and a child notices that.  Whether they speak on it is one thing, but they know it.  Preston knows your love for him is above all else, but he can also sense that a change in you has happened."

"It's a good change though."  I smiled.

"I know, which is why you must include him on all of the changes; good and bad. It will keep him whole, it will keep him feeling safe and most importantly, it will keep him feeling totally loved." He sincerely spoke.

The way Prince said that, led me to believe that he was broken in some type of way.  I was young but I was also wise enough to know that his statement came from experience. 

Not wanting to open up any old wounds, I remained focus on Preston.

"Maybe we should talk with him about it while on vacation.  Being that we'll already be kind of 'living together' for about two weeks in the hotel suite and villa, I think that would be a perfect time to bring it all up."

"Okay, I'll follow your lead on how we include him but promise me that we will include him."  Prince emphasized.

"I promise baby."  I said.

"Is there anything else?"

"Well, I'm not totally moving in with you right?  We're going to do the one week at your place and one week at mine?"

"If that's what you want, but we have to work toward something permanent Jeanette.  You are my everything now, and I want us to be solid."  He sternly said.

"I know that but I am new to this. I don't want to lose myself in the mist of all this."  I quietly said.

Looking at me, he caressed my cheek.

"I know you have doubts and apprehensions.  I also know that love can be a scary thing especially when it's as real and raw as ours.

But know and believe me when I say this; I will only add to your life, I won't take anything away from it.  Trust the process and trust in my love for you. Will you do that?" He asked.


Looking at me ever so lovingly, he pecked my lips as he smoothly ran his finger across my nipple.

"Do you trust and love me, as much as I do you?"  He lustfully whispered.

Caught up in the pleasure, I now whispered against his lips "Of course."

Looking at me with hooded eyes, he slowly dragged his finger down my abdomen until he reached my wetness. 

Then after kissing me with much passion, he said "Show me...."

***Okay lovelies...This was the sixth consecutive chapter to commemorate Prince's 60th Solar Return and I enjoyed it! 
I will not make you wait too long for another update, so be on the lookout!  In the meantime, let's discuss....

How do you feel about Prince wanting to include Preston in the co-habitation process?
Is Jeanette really thinking this through?
And how many of you think that it's just too damn soon?

I can't wait to read your thoughts and exchange dialogue with you guys!  Until then, please remember to vote and comment💋💜💋💜💋

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