Leaving On a Jet Plane

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"I know that the flight to New York is only about two hours, but let's get extra blankets for the children."  I instructed my personal flight stewardess Melissa. 

"Certainly."  She said.

It was 11:25am, yet Jeanette was nowhere in sight.  I thought that she would've showed up early being that we had legal matters to settle. 

Instead of waiting in the SUV, we decided to just wait inside the hangar to stay completely out of the cold weather. 

"You did tell her 11:30, right?"  Kirk asked.

"Yes and it's only 11:25.  Just be easy, traffic was a bit heavy."  I calmly said.

"Are you sure she's going to show up?  Maybe after taking a look at that NDA, she decided to cancel."  Londell sarcastically stated.

"You should make them all sign NDA's, especially her Godfather."  Kirk spewed.

"Is her Godfather a possible problem?  If so, we can make him sign one immediately."  Londell toughly stated.

"That won't be necessary, he's an admirable man.  Kirk is just a bit intimidated by him."  I smirked.

"This little boy that's going with us, is he intimidating?"  Kirk's daughter shyly asked me.

"No...like you he's very nice."  I tapped her nose smiling.

"Michelle, remember what I told you.  He is only five years old so no teasing and be nice, okay?"  Kirk said to his daughter.

"Okay, daddy."  She sweetly replied.

I wanted to warn her to not make an issue about Preston's slight speech impediment but before I could speak, I saw a black Land Rover drive through the gate to the private airport.

As the truck stopped close to the hanger I noticed that the windows were so heavily tinted, I couldn't see inside.  Londell's comment now had me thinking that maybe Jeanette wouldn't show up, and the dark tint made me a bit nervous.  I was so anxious to see Jeanette's beautiful face, regardless of how stoned face it would be due to her anger toward me.

It didn't take long before Israfil stepped out on the driver's side and opened the back door.  He didn't even get the door open all the way before an exuberant Preston was trying to jump out.

"Hey Mr. P.!"  He waved as Israfil helped him out of the backseat, while giving him a hug and kiss on the temple.

I was expecting Jeanette to step out next, but Miriam and her attorney Imani did instead.  Grabbing Preston's hand, Imani closed the back door and strutted toward me as Miriam held a small back pack that appeared to belong to Preston.

Noticing Israfil get back in the truck, I started walking toward them, but the attorney held her hand up for me not to.  Now I was really nervous that maybe Londell was right about Jeanette not showing up.

Preston was walking so fast to get to me, I noticed Imani let his hand go being that she probably couldn't keep up in the heels that she was wearing.  Upon letting Preston go, he started running to me with the biggest smile on his face.  Seeing his cheeks bounce up and down as he ran toward me just melted my heart.

"I couldn't slweep because I was so excited!"  Preston said as he ran into my arms.

"I couldn't sleep either."  I kissed him on the cheek as I embraced him.

Before Miriam or Imani could get within ear shot, I whispered to Preston.

"Is mommy in the truck?"

Beautiful, Loved and BlessedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora